Saturday, July 17, 2010

You're asking the wrong question!

The comment above was taken from the university forum's what I think.

Instead of asking more appropriate questions like 'Can he or she teach?' or 'Does he or she explain well?' this bright student decided to inquire about the teacher's generosity towards grades. The question itself is ludicrous because teachers don't GIVE grades....students GET grades. There's the difference. You see teachers are like reporters on the news, we just report what we see. So if you act like a 'D' student, you'll get a 'D', and if you act like an 'A' student, you'll get an 'A'.

Some unfortunately, choose a teacher not based on how well he or she teaches, but how generous he or she is when it comes to grades. Some people don't really want to learn, they just want to pass. Let's hope and pray that their attitude towards education changes.


  1. Well, it's درجات and not دراجات

    Since when a teacher's performance is based on what grades the students get? We're not sayinG all of the studenTs think the same way, but the majority do and it's RealLy scaRy. ;[

  2. mmm.. what can we say about this.. it's too sad.

    education and learning is not an obligatory process, we should all enjoy every stage of this process and the desire comes from the inside, some people are eager to educate them selves but their circumstances prevent them to do so, while others have every thing and they don't appreciate the value of what they have, unfair life :S

    any psychology when people know that they r wrong or something is wrong with their personality and habits (laziness as an example) they dismiss their attention about such negative characteristics and switch their focus on unimportant superficial things (switching attention).

    also they blame others for their mistakes and don't take the responsibility of their own actions.

    that's because they r afraid of facing them selves and facing their weaknesses.

  3. I DON'T THINk IT'S THE wrong question ,
    well some teachers they are perfect in explaining but they don't give us grades like alot of teachers in AOU !

    by the way , some of students choose their teachers because they look pretty and handsome so i think you should Post a Comment about that , lol

    thx , see ya :D

  4. unfortunately many students are like that. Their main concern is the GRADES. They only want to pass without paying any attention to the importance of learning and knowledge. unfortunately the won't realize the importance of what ever they are learning until it is so late. This kind of students may pass but they won't excel in their profession.Knowledge is the basic element of success in profession.KNOWLEDGE CAN'T BE COMPENSATED AT ANY COST.What is the use of passing without feeling the delight of our hard- working and feeding our minds with knowledge!!!!!!

    "some teachers they are perfect in explaining but they don't give us grades"

    Yes I do agree. Some teachers unfortunately are NOT FAIR and I am saying that from my personal experience. Some teachers don't give you what really you deserve and what really hurts you is that they give some students what they don't deserve. It is a big thing when you you don't know how to be a fair teacher. Unfairness occurs in every universities and in every field !

    "some of students choose their teachers because they look pretty and handsome "

    Every thing is possible but from my experience it happened very very rarely. Most students care about grades!

    Nice to participate after a lone time in your blog Mr. Farran:). Sorry I was involved in many works:S

  5. Miss Laila - No problem, nice to have you back :)

    7no0n - It's not scary it's sad!

    bumble bee - Very interesting, psychology is your field :)

    SAM - Strange but true :D

  6. Thanks Mr. Farran it is my pleasure to participate:)
