Saturday, July 31, 2010


Father to son after exam: "Let me see your report card."
Son: "My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents."


  1. looool so smart guy he wants to give a heart attach to his father with his funny indirect response:D

    Actually some students create many different smart execuses when it comes to their report cards:D

  2. looooool! the greatest excuse ever! Well. I'm really not sure whether it's an excuse because his grades were really that bad, or he actually gave it to his friend LOOL loved it.

  3. Boys are experts in creating such execuses especially when it comes to twist their ears:D:D:D

  4. Hahaha LOL - Love it :D

    You used that before ?? :O .. go away I don't believe you ! :p I'm sure you're kidding , you don't seem that type plus I don't think you would have ever needed to :) contrary situation I'm sure :) - btw did your dad believe you ? what happened ? :D

    Yeah boys are more common in this territory :p plus better at such things! But I can tell you that girls aren't very far behind (not me!) I remember back in school days many girls would 'tamper' with their beloved reports on the way home , and many simply fooled their parents .. tsk tsk ! The most common act was changing a D to a B ... :$ and the envelopes would be sealed and addressed 'to the Parents of' but of course many girls decided to take up the 'parents' role for a while, and of course the seals would be cracked open n all ... aiyyo , with teachers chasing them if they found out that 'you are Not supposed to do that!' ; and some of us would sit clutching our report card envelopes tightly & neatly , rejecting offers of having them opened n checked 'just in case' , and staring in horror at the sneaky acts of some mad students ;p

    Oh and report card day was always a special event back in school days .. ah nostalgia .. the winter (mid-term) reports were nervous school days and eager trips back home , a short nap while baba returned from office , then evening analyses and a dinner out after that . and the summer (end year) reports were usually hot thursday late mornings with a trip to school along with dad , collecting reports and watching him do accountant stuff , then stopping for prayer in the salwa mosque and after that picking up a big box of pastries , then off home to read, analyse and enjoy mama's lunch :) (Alhamdulillah)

    Oh and the couple of weeks before reports would be out .. oooh the madness at school - it used to be fun watching :p teachers frantically marking exams (either before christmas holidays or before school ends for summer) and even asking our help in checking or marking sometimes (I enjoyed doing the French exams :) (the our stands for myself & my sister - not a whole lot of us!) , and then teachers in the computer labs going nuts trying to write up reports in a frenzy and do it correctly above all and shouting across the hall if something went wrong or they made a mistake :D especially when the reports were handwritten earlier on .. oh if one teacher messed up the whole staff room would be flared up coz everyone would have to repeat and blah blah .. ah enjoyable scenes :D I miss school n childhood ...

  5. LOL Yaaa U are right Lila, students create many different smart execuses when it comes to their report cards.

  6. Jawaria I had a similar experience back at school. The reports were given to us on the last day of the week just before going home. My teachers always made sure I was grounded on the weekend :S

  7. Hahaha :D Poor You !! (I'm trying to picture you grounded ;p)

    bs MashaAllah now :) (should I go talk to your teachers about the famous Mr. Farran now ? :) yes yes the same one who got grounded ;) (MashaAllah) *thumbs up*

  8. You're making me blush :S

    Thanks appreciate your kind words :)
