Thursday, July 8, 2010

Helping one another...

I think this is by far one of the cutest pictures I've ever seen!


  1. ohhhhh :$ :$ :"> :"> sooooo.... speechless :$

    thanks for it Mr. farran.. I've always been in love with such pictures containing cute animals and pets.

  2. Awwwwwwww, aren't they the CuteSt littLe thinGs any1 haVe eveR seEN. <3 them.

  3. wooow so cute and lovely picture:).

    It is a great feeling when you offer your kind help to some one and when you find some one offers his help to you. Helping and supporting each other in doing good things has a deep meaning.It increases the meanings of humanity and it shows how much we care and need each other.Helping each other in doing good things strengthen the bonds and it proves the importance of offering our helps in making our life more peaceful and beautiful:).

    offering help is not only restricted with humans. What a wonderful feeling when you offer your hlep to other needed creatures like animals and birds. I heard about some animals that saved the lifes of some people who helped them previously. SubhAllah!

  4. Oops, I wanted to say "i've ever" and "any1 has" and it camE oUt wRonG.. SorRy my bad.

  5. Too cute to put in words!

    I like how one of them is just standing there and staring :O

  6. maybe there was no place for him.. or he's the evil one.. :P :D

  7. He could be giving them directions...


    He's not strong enough so he's encouraging the others :D

  8. YoU peoPLe just can't see it. He's holding the gRoup all toGetheR. Easy on him ;pP~

  9. LoL don't fight, let me go and ask him why he's standing there doing nothing :D

  10. I've askeD him alrEady, why do yoU think I'm standing up for him, eh?
    He's holdinG everything up :D
