Friday, July 23, 2010

The Donkey and the Well

One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone’s amazement, he quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.

Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off.

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well, is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step upward!


  1. Life gives us vain promises all the time to test our ability , our soberness , our patience and our obedience towards Allah.

    Imagine how a heap of burdens can portray a challenge to improve your manners in life.God creates burdens in order to taste the sense of success later.

    Clutch the hope and never surrender if life gives you vain promises , just smile and don't fall a part.

  2. Beautifully said once again!

    mshay5adwani please do us all a favor and write a book!

    I'll pay you as much as you want :D

  3. i can summarize this meaningful story in one sentence..

    use the bricks thrown at u by others to create a your own solid foundation.. your survival path

    (not a quotation this is mine :D)

  4. "Always try never give up!
    Always use your desire and insistence as laddar to reach the highest state!
    Never let the obstacles break your volition and belief. In contrast, use your volition and belief to overcome these obstacles!
    Never be disappointed of your attempts. your attempts will guide you to success and excellence one day!
    Don't consider your hard circumstances your ruthless enemy.In contrast, consider them your ideal soulmates who will teach you how to be patient and how to struggle.
    Always have a full-confidence on your abilities and patience. Never underestimate your sensible thoughts and actions.Your sensible thoughts abd actions are your real mirror who refelcts your genuine strong personality and inner beauty.
    We live one time, so don't leave the obestacles and problems seize your happiness and dreams!"

    By laila

    I toltally agree with Mr. Farran shayo5a. Allah gave you a wonderful style and mind. Use your talent sister.Show the whole world how much talented you are. Let the whole world know who Mshay5 al3dwani is.Enlighten our minds and hearts sister with your beautiful thoughts and words.We do need your writings:)

    Sister do it we all here are encouraging you.We will stand beside you whenever you will need a help:)

  5. Mr. Farran & Miss.Lila Thank u for supporting me I wanna cry Wallah.....

    Enshallah I will write a book and Mr. Farran U will be the first reader but I warn U in my book I will criticize man ( evil).....

    I am kidding okey

  6. I love reading these kind of stories to remember how to overcome the troubles we face in life.

    Bumble_bee LOOL walla we know it's urs this time hahahaha ;pP~.

  7. What a wonderful writing. You are always writing in a way which touch our mind. Keep your going.

  8. Yousef - Thank you for your comment.

    mshay - If you criticize men I will be forced to release my own book criticizing women :D

  9. Wooow we have a competition here. we have two creative competitors. Let's see whose writing will be more effective and attractive. The one who criticized men or the one who criticized women:P.

    Be careful The judge of this competition will be"Miss. Laila".Don't worry her zodiac is libra she will be totally fair. Actually she has to be fair:D:D:D:D

  10. Instead of going head to head against mshay5adwani, we can come together and work as one force sharing our what do you say?

  11. " Instead of going head to head against mshay5adwani, we can come together and work as one force sharing our what do you say?"

    I agree with U wallah.Man is a refuge when woman became mentally and physically exhausted.

    I am sure Mr. Farran's book will be more creative mashallah than me. If Lila writes a book she will destroys us mshallah.

  12. Mashaye5 and Mr. Farran the issue of gender existed since our parents Adam and Eve were created.The debates of gender won't finish till the last day of our life:)

    "If Lila writes a book she will destroys us mshallah".

    Thanks dear for this worthy encouragement. I have a strongh desire to write my own books and Inshallah I will work on it in future:). I am planning to write and publish my books Inshallah.

    You know Mashaye5 and Mr. farran in my first step of writing I am planning to write about two things:

    The first thing is a novel which talks about the journey of young lady in different parts of world.She carries out this journey in order to gather a blenty of information about other different people who belong to different communities, cultures, religions, customs, classes, races and genders.She tries to write about their daily lifes, thoughts, beliefs, behaviours...etc.Her main aim of this journey is unifying the whole world through writing a book that introduce the people around the world to each other.It gives the chance to people around the world to know each other regarding their culture, beliefs, customs...etc more and more.Well, I see my self in this young lady. Really guys I have a big passion in knowing people who belong to different social backgrounds. I don't miss the chance to interact and know about other communities.Wherever I go I like to get information as much as I can. It really hurts me when I see someone interacts or judges someone because of his religion, race, gender, class, community..ect ignoring his morals,feelings, personality, dignity and prestige. In my book I want to show that every community, ,culture,race , gender, class,culture..etc have unique and valuable features:)

    My second book will be a social book. In this book I want to show how each human plays different roles in his/her life and how she/he can be successful(can't say perfect because no one can be perferct except our Allah) in handling and carrying out these roles.I mean our roles towards our god, ourselves, our parents, our friends, our family, our life partners,our childern, our profession...etc.In our life we play different roles in each role we adopt different personality.It is important to know how to handle each role in a way that satisfy our god, ourselves and people surrounding us.

    With the helpe of Allah and the precious blessings of my parents, brothers and family and ofcourse with the best prayers and wishes of every one whom I know Inshallah one day I will achieve what I desire:).

  13. Two very interesting books from a very interesting person. I can't wait :D

    Work hard, follow your dreams Miss Laila and never give up :)

  14. Thanks for this beautiful encouragement Mr. Farran:). Inshallah I will follow your precious advice.Inshallah you will be one of those who will be invited to attend the promotion of my first and every book:D.Please you have to be there. It is important to me to share my beautiful moments with those who always encourges me:).

    Mr. Farran if you got the chance to write a book, what would you like to write about?.I remember when you told me before that in your childhood you used to write short stories, Now what you like to write about?

  15. I'd like to write a memoir about my life someday. Maybe pass on my experiences to others. Something like that :)

  16. Woooow great job Wallah it is a big thing when you write something related to you and your life. It makes you feel that your life was special and it was full of precious and unforgettable incidents.You leave your own imprint through this memoir:).

    You know SubhaAllah I had an intention to write such thing y3ni about my life, experiences, incidents that affected my life whether in a positive or negative way, different roles I played in my life....etc. But I postponed it till I become a sweet retired old grandmother.I mean when I feel I lived my life and and it is the time to relax and write about my self:).

    Inshallah Mr. Farran when we will become very old we will write our memoirs in the middle of ocean having our meal:D:D:D:D Wallah we will laugh at these days right?

  17. Yes we will all look back at these days and just laugh :D
