Friday, July 9, 2010

7 Most Extreme Roller Coaster Rides

I like trying new things and I consider myself a risk taker, but when it comes to extreme roller coasters, I keep a safe distance. Some of these rides are insane!

Click here to see the list.


  1. WooOOOooW i reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy Love it 9ej WaNaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D :D

    i'm willing to try the (seventh) at first :D

    on the top of the roller coaster i'll have the freedom to screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.. something i can't do on the ground :D :D

    awesome videos :D :D thanks for it :D i wanna replay it over and over :D

  2. Although I love riding roller coasters, sometimes I feel scared of riding them. I feel that they will cause a heart attack to me lol.

    Ummmmm about these roller coasters I would like to visit and see them , especially the first and seventh ones, but I don't think that I will ride them. It is so risky:)

    "I like trying new things and I consider myself a risk taker"

    Some people I know call me crazy because I always like to try new things, meet new werid people, visit new strange places and sometimes I do risky actions.People like us sometimes are considered insane, but it is a great feeling and sometimes it is so funny when you try new thing and take risk, but of course without being over risky taker right Mr. Farran:)

  3. Yes there is a fine line between risk taking and insanity!

    I'd rather just watch the videos of people riding those roller coasters!

  4. ohhh secrets revealed and covered stuff became uncovered :P

    i know what to dooooo.. I'll take u both (Mr.Farran & Miss Laila) chain u in ur seats and...


    i can't let u miss this life experience :D :P

  5. OPS bumble_bee revealed our secret:$.Mr. Farran We must be more careful next time.Some people are so smart they will uncover our secrets:P

    oh my dear sister bubmle_bee It will be my pleasure to go with you:).Believe me I will enjoy seeing you riding these roller coasters and enjoying yourself, but please keep me away from them::$. They will cause a heart atteck to me:S. Please don't insist you know your friend she doesn't like to disappoint those whom she loves:).Ummmmm let's go to the seashore and have a dinner in restaurant near the seashore:). I like seashore and quite places :D. Are you agree bumble _bee and MR. Farran?

  6. I'd rather be having a good meal on the beach too!

    Miss Laila don't worry, bumble bee is sooooo harmless and innocent, she'd never do anything mean to anyone. She wouldn't hurt a fly.....or would she?

  7. I'd try do anything, everything, whatever it is that it's there, EXCEPT SOMETHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH HIGHTS! Are yoU KIDDING ME. have you seEN how high this THING IS? Going to the movies is way betteR haHAha

  8. So Mr. Farran are you inviting the whole stuff of this blog to have a meal on the beach:P

    Beach is one of the quietest places.It is my favourite place:)

    The lady who has a big heart that doesn't include any kind of hatred and malice to any one can't even think to hurt other people:).Bumble_bee sometimes becomes so curious to know other unique people, but it is not her nature to hurt them:).

  9. Oh.. i love going to the beach, what a romantic place,, especially at sunset in winter, setting there and watching sea waves.. when it comes it talks to u and when it goes it takes ur fear and sadness..

    u can trust the sea.. as a trusted secrets keeper.

    i was kidding and acting naughty.. i don't dare to harm any one of u :S

    more, i'm afraid of highs.. :S :S

    once my room's bulb needed to be changed and daddy wasn't at home so i decided to push my self and change it my self, i climbed the first then the second ladder's step.. i looked down, strongly hold one of the ladder's side and started screaming my mum came and said WHAT R U THINK UR DOING and she helped me getting down.. i was a bout to cry Walla.. :(

    yea.. Bumble bee riding a roller coaster :S

  10. Thanks Mr. farran for ur nice words :$:$

    thanks My dear sis :*

  11. Bumle_bee I love the sea so much but I don't trust in it. You can't trust it:(. It took some one precious to me so precious:(:(:(.Sometimes it brings a big smile in your face, but when it betrays you it brings the hardest pain to you:(.Inspite of that you go to it either to make it share you your happiness or sadness. SubhanAllah!

    Yes my dear sister we know that you were kidding:). We know how much our bubmle_bee is naughty and sensitive:)

  12. 7no0n - You should go bungee jumping!

    Miss Laila - Of course I am, you're all invited to the beach. I'll meet you guys somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

    Bumble bee - LoL! I bet you if that ceiling was pink you would have ran up that ladder!

    Oh and that thing you said about the waves:
    "watching sea waves.. when it comes it talks to u and when it goes it takes your fear and sadness away."


  13. Ok done Mr. Farran. See you in the middle of ocean, but first you have to sign a contract that indicates that you will save us if we drowned in the middle of ocean:p so what do you say our deal is done???:p

  14. oh.. sorry to hear that Miss. laila , allah yer7amhom :(

    what you've said is true sea is deceptive, but i trust it as a secrets keeper u can tell what ever u want and make sure that ur secret is not gonna be revealed.

    Mr.farran said:

    (Bumble bee - LoL! I bet you if that ceiling was pink you would have ran up that ladder!)

    LOOOOL do u think so!! :$ :D maybe ur right :D when u love some thing u do unexpected crazy things :D

    and thank you for the "Amazing" word, glad that u liked what i wrote :$ -;{@

  15. Hmmmmmmmmm bungee jumping! Fine I'll take miss Laila and bumble bee with me hehehehe. I'm so not goin alone in this.

  16. Miss Laila - Of course I'll save you :)

    bumble bee - When you love something, you do it on your own without people telling you to.

    7no0n - No you have to do it alone!

  17. OKay done:D. so which day you are inviting us?

    The ocean outside kuwait is more beautiful like the ocean in Brighton:P. So how about booking tickets to Brightin for us and inviting us to have a meal there. It will be awesome especially the weather there is so beautiful. So what do you think about this idea:P.It won't cost so much to you. You only have to book tickets, books rooms for each one in this blog,paying the money of our meals and the money of our shoppings...etc. So, is it done?

  18. I think it'll be easier if we stay here :S

  19. Oh I see, so NO MEAL in Brighton:(:(:(

    OKay satisfied with the place that will keep your smile on your face:).In this case there is no objection:).
