Friday, July 30, 2010

Improperly dressed = No travel

TEHRAN, June 14: Seventy-one Iranian women “improperly” dressed were prevented from boarding flights in recent months, an airport official said on Monday, as a police crackdown on the behavior of young people intensified. The rest of the article can be found here.


  1. a7saan.. women should be like pearls protected by shells

  2. It is true that every one has the right to choose his/her cloths and decides what to wear but there should be a full respect to the place that you live in or going to.There should be a respect to your dignity, your community, your culture, customs and people surrounding you.It is true that sometimes we desire to do something and wish to achieve what we desire. but what is the benefit of doing something that could be considered a shameless and ridiculous thing.When you cross your red limit you will always find yourself the victim of crossing this limit.

    I do agree that girls should know how to protect themselves and their dignity and image.Their reputation is the most precious thing they possess.Once they lose it, they will lose their self-respect and value.

    Guys I have another point which is associated to this topic. Some countries force the citizens to wear what they really don't want to wear.I think it is no fair to oblige the citizens to wear something they don't want to wear.If the citizens want to wear something without crossing the limit and creating a big scandal then what is the problem of that!!!!.Restricting someone's freedome could have a negative effect. Just look at some people what they wear outside their countries when they travel abroad in western countries (With my respect to those people).Sometimes I sympathize with those people because sometimes you desire freedom and wish to break the unbearable restrictions on you. some people when they see their awaited freedom, they want to acquire this freedom even if it was a shameless thing.

  3. Laish "a7san" Bumble_bee (LOOOL wa7alatich 6al3a min galbich).

    Nobody has the right to tell people what to wear and what not! Unless there's a scene caused by a woman's clothes, nobody has the right to do so.
    The police is going to be the judge on what's appropriate. Let's not forget that policemen\women are going the judge on that. So, it may differ from one person to another. What a policeman might see as appropriate may not be appropriate for another!

    You are absolutely right Miss. Laila. Both are exactly the same thing; forcing others to do as the higher authority pleases. So, whoever is in charge will be the judge for that matter.

    Some women don't see things the way you do my dear Bumble_bee, but we can't change that, and if it's ok with them, then it should be ok with us; the same way it is ok with them to accept us the way we are. I totally agree with you. Women should be like pearls, but some don't see it the way we do, they have their own terms *-*

  4. Very well said 7nooon:).Some People behave according to their thoughts and point of views.What is wrongh in our eyes might be correct in their eyes. They do what they think it is appropriate even if it was inappropriate for others.It is all about beliefs, thoughts and point of views that people have.Also, according to the environment and society they were born in:)

    You know sister some people blame and judge some one because of his/ her cloths that are considered common and usual in his/her countires (I saw this thing by my eyes Wallah).

    I do believe that there should be a mutual respet between those who have a contradictive views.For exampls, you should respect and consider the place you live in and the one who views you should respect your view(if there is no crossing of limit)

    What is your view about this topic Mr. Farran?

  5. I think people shouldn't be forced to wear a certain type of clothing. If you force it, people will just go against it. People should have the freedom to wear what they want as long as it is not too revealing (which is relative and raises another problem) :S

  6. Very true Mr. Farran I agree with you actually you summarized my main point thanks:)

    In order to do something first you have to be content and satisfied of what you are doing.

  7. Exactly, it's like the hijab, the ones who took the decision to wear the hijab on their own are more likely to be satisfied with it than those who were forced to wear it.
