Monday, July 12, 2010

This one is for the ladies!

A man walks into a bar and finds a Genie in a lamp. The Genie will only grant him one wish. The man wishes to be a hundred times smarter than any man on earth.

*POOF* the Genie turns him into a woman!

Happy now?


  1. loooooooooool
    nice one

  2. amaazing
    thanks mr farran

  3. Thank god finally Mr. Farran admitted that girls are the best:p.We are sooooooo happy because the truth should not be hidden for a long time Mr.Farran:p.From the beginning it had to be clear why this lateness???:p

    The truth is that women and men complement each other.Inspite of what ever they think and say about each others, they can't deny that they really need each others.The world would have vanished, if they had isloated themselves from each others.Goodness and badness are not not restricted with specific gender:).

  4. Thanks Mr.Farran for being fair :D :$

    women become smarter when using their heads ;)

    it is known that men r rational more than being emotional while women r emotional more than being rational, and that what makes their boat moving smoothly ;)

  5. Looooooool Mr. Farran, now everyone's happy hahahahahaha

  6. Miss Laila - Yes totally agree, men and women complement each other :D

    bumble bee - Yes agree here as well, women tend to use their hearts while men tend to use their brains. Together we get the perfect mix :D

    7no0n - LoL yea, I need to get more male readers to this blog!

  7. A man walks into a bar and finds a Genie in a lamp. The Genie will only grant him one wish. The man wishes to be the happiest man on earth.. the Genie took his wife :P

  8. Then.. and after he took his wife, he got married to another one.. and one day his wife was walking into a bar and she found a Genie in a lamp. The Genie would only grant her one wish. The wife wished to be the happiest woman on earth.. the Genie took her husband :D :D :P

    The End :D LOoooL :P

  9. LOooooool bumble_bee, yeah you go gurl! ahahahaha. GooD joB (I'm still loLing hhahhahah)

  10. LOOL u know 7noONaa? every time i read what i've wrote i laugh to LOOOOL. :D

    i guess i should thank Mr.farran he taught us how to survive in intellectual fight:D
