Thursday, July 29, 2010


Why? Can someone tell me why??


  1. Oh my gosh racism in our age !!!!

    If the black poetess Grace Nichols alive she will kill them.

    No reasonable reason to distinguish between them.In western countries they value the black woman but here in our country they underestimate the black skin. I have noticed that most of the girls in our country pursuit towards whiteness while in western countries they spend a lot of money to get tanned.

    Maybe inadvertently the black girls who pursuit towards whiteness enhanced this idea or this concept to the world and the picture above is an example.U have to be proud of your skin whether u are black , tanned or red.

    Another important factor is the media here, they portray the white race is more beautiful.In my opinion no one imposes the concept or the ideology of beauty upon us cuz " Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

    Having racist view is not in our religion.Our precious Islam urges us to be brothers without paying attention to our colors.

    Thanks Mr.Mohummad

  2. There's a $5.93 right under the price tag of the $3.00 -.-

    If their intention is to be racist, then the reason I could think of is ignorance. Being narrow minded makes you go against everything else but your own belief.
    (I've said "IF" in case there's an explanation to it; I hope.)

  3. If you asked the supervisor , maybe you will find the answer when you saw that she was (smra2) so .. Because she doesn’t like her blond neighbor she makes it expensive to make her pay more than her friends children (Al-smr).

  4. Ya Allah what to say about this painful humanistic issue. How it could be a logical and sensible thing when you judge and interact with some one according to his/her race regardless of his/her personality, morals, menality, nature and actions.How is possible that COLOUR can judge who you are!!!!.We all are humans and are made from one mud.All of us have our own feeling, dignity, prestige, mentality and nature, so why this discrimination.How can you underestimate the existance of someone's life because of his/her skin colour.

    These people who judge according to your color are not aware that beauty has to be vanished one day and when they will die, they will only take their actions with them which they will be asked about in the judgment day!

    "If the black poetess Grace Nichols alive she will kill them."

    Ya Shayo5a she would have rebelled them with her self-confidence and her pride to be a black fat woman:D

    Walah some Al-Smr are sooooo unique,elegant and attractive even more than white blond people:D:D:D:D Right guys

  5. Racism unfortunately still exists in some parts of the world, it is sad but true. People should be treated equally regardless of race, gender or nationality.

  6. "People should be treated equally regardless of race, gender or nationality." <-- Exactly !! and Racism is there big time in many different forms, black/white racism is probably the most common and beaten down thing , but many people are racists in several other ways , be it openly or in their sickening attitude , classifying on things like race, nationality, financial status, beauty :s, abilities and much more ... Allah ystir, Astaghfirullah!
    and it's society and people who make up that society of course that drills such notions into each other's minds, deciding what is appropriate & acceptable and what is rejected or 'not nice' : the above picture is simple proof of this - from the basic thing of toys/dolls the children are conditioned mentally about liking or disliking something and what is thought as better, prettier or more favourable - hence the white kids would form their own mindsets and the black kids would also be affected in their own feeling of self and so on ... a sorry state indeed.

    This topic reminds me of something I had in A Levels (if I can remember n relate it correctly here :p) - a psychological study that was conducted - using data of similar nature: where two researchers of Social and Individual Differences Psychology , namely Hraba & Grant , examined racial preference and identification among black and white children , based on an earlier study by Clark & Clark . Using black and white dolls to display and question children, things like which is nicer, which looks bad, which you like or prefer to play with, which looks like you - to determine racial preference and awareness , and the sense of self identity + self esteem etc . the Clark & Clark original study had stronger results and racial contrasts, while years later the Hraba & Grant study had some multicultural influences. I won't sit n explain the whole story here :p long complex studies plus we scrutinize studies in Psychology at much more critical stages; but the basic point did come across about racism, it's endless types and the different notions & effects, intergroup discrimination and sociocultural factors - we can all guess the basic :S .

    One should remember that to Allah all are equal, and these things do not hold importance, rather it's the state of hearts and deeds that matters, mind and intentions, and faith - so when the Almighty Creator Himself does not discriminate , who are we to classify good & bad , superior & inferior , nice & ugly , better & worse and so on ?!!
    (I'll stop here now.. alot can be said)

  7. Beautifully said Jawaria, you've hit the nail on the head. Simply put, they are sending kids the wrong message.
