Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We all have a purpose...


  1. What a topic I really liked it:)

    Our life is not called a life, if it doesn't include any goals and wishes. Our goals in life always encourage us to work so hard and struggle till we reach our goals.Our goals always make us realize the value of time and how we shouldn't waste our time in doing useless things because we have what is more important. They always make us feel the importance of our life and how we have to live in order to achieve our goals and wishes.They always increase our volition and insistence and they always encourge us to face and overcome all the problems and obstacles.

    Life without a purpose is useless and worthless.

    "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience".
    By Eleanor Roosevelt

  2. meaningful quote Miss laila.. Thanks for it :D

    Whoever you are and whatever experiences, talents,or ability u have, u have a purpose in this world.

    since we r created (lets say "all creatures" on earth instead of saying "we") by GOD not by accident, then every single creature has a purpose.

    the common purpose between all creatures is to get close to God, to praise and worship Allah..

    i remember when i was little and we go visiting grand ma, every dusk, all the birds in garden were twittering , and my grand ma was always asking me to be silent and listen to their twitter.. she told (and i still remember what she told me till now.. word by word) "my little child every time u hear the birds remember it's not a twitter it is praising, and every time u hear them praising.. praise with them" sub7an Allah..

  3. A bad example is betTEr than not being an example at all! am i riGHt or am i riGHT ;pP~~

  4. Miss Laila - Beautiful wisdom, thank you for your insightful contribution :D

    bumble bee - Grandmas are always right :)

    7no0n - Yes! You are spot on!
