Sunday, July 4, 2010

Top 10 Self-Made Billionaires!

Becoming a billionaire is not an easy thing...I've been trying for a while now :D

But these self-made billionaires have done just that! Some of them even dropped out of college to pursue their dreams!


  1. lol Mr.farran if u wanna be a billionaire u have to adopt some one familiar with business,, some one creative smart! like bumble beeeeeeeee :D

    u can't do it by ur self lol :D

    dropping out of schools doesn't mean failing.. some people didn't graduated but they succeed and became well known more than people with highest degrees and became scientists..Albert Einstein is one of them!! he failed in school and taught himself by himself

    it depends on one's interests.. interests that could be satisfied in other fields, other than schools.

    school of life :D

  2. Mashallah that's called "Luck"!

    Some people really have a brilliant luck. Without a high degree they reached the sky,while some people with a high degree are still staying in the ground. SubhanAllah!It is all about luck and destiny.

    Intelligance and creativity can make impossible things possible. Subhanallh!

  3. well.. i don't agree with u dear Laila.. it's not about luck or destiny.. u create Luck, u create success, u r the one who decide whether to shine and rise or stay where u r.. God is fair, remember that.. and believing that someone's destiny is loosing like saying (loosing is God's will), while GoD IS FaiR..

    we relate death, accidents, sickness to faith and destiny.. but succeeding and loosing? noo because God obliged and advised us to work.. that's why working in Islam religion is a cult :)

    if u work in some thing u love and interested in u, devote ur intelligence, time, skills, resources to that work and determine to achieve ur goals u will succeed just like those billionaires, but if stay,give up and surrender saying it's God will, u'll never leave ur place!

  4. Yes very interesting counter argument bumble bee. I have a feeling Miss Laila isn't done explaining her argument!

  5. OPS misunderstanding occured:$

    Ya Mr. Farran your feeling is correct. I didn't explain my point very well:)

    I totally agree Bumble_bee with what ever you said:). With the help of our god and with our hard working, determination, intelligence, faith and patience we can succeed and achieve our dreams like what these billionaires have done. No doubt about this point:).

    What actually I wanted to say that we always get what is written in our destiny. Sometimes we get what we have never thought about. Sometimes we get the opposite of what we wished because what we wished to get is not written in our destiny. We have alot of wishes and dreams and the wise who works so hard to achieve his dreams but sometimes our wishes remain just wishes. These wishes are not written in our destiny. Circumstances sometimes are stronger than our dreams. But it doesn't mean that we have to give up and stop our attempts. We have to fight and try even if we didn't get what we wanted at least we will be satisfied that we tried. We always get whatever it is written in our destiny but it doesn't mean that we have to stay in our place and say that we are staying because of destiny. NO it is false.

    Always try, work so hard, have a full confidence on your self, dont give up but always remember that you have to accept what is written in your destiny. Don't think that what is written is working against you. In contrast, always think that what you got is a test to test your capabilities and how much you are strong and having a faith on your god:)

    I hope you guys understood my point now:)

  6. These guys became billionaires because of two reasons. The first reason is their hard-working and strong determination.The second reason is that in their destiny it was written that they will become billionaires. Some people are working so hard and have a stron determination, but it is not written that they will become a billionaires:)

  7. Yes good point Miss Laila, always aim high and don't let anyone stand in your path to success :D

  8. Thanks for understanding my point Mr. Farran:). Inshallah sure we have to struggle for our goals:).

  9. Thanks for the clarification miss laila :D

  10. You are always welcome my dear sister:)

  11. Interesting :)

    ( loved what you wrote Miss Laila)


    { With the help of our god and with our hard working, determination, intelligence, faith and patience we can succeed and achieve our dreams like what these billionaires have done. No doubt about this point:).

    What actually I wanted to say that we always get what is written in our destiny. Sometimes we get what we have never thought about. Sometimes we get the opposite of what we wished because what we wished to get is not written in our destiny. We have alot of wishes and dreams and the wise who works so hard to achieve his dreams but sometimes our wishes remain just wishes. These wishes are not written in our destiny. Circumstances sometimes are stronger than our dreams. But it doesn't mean that we have to give up and stop our attempts. We have to fight and try even if we didn't get what we wanted at least we will be satisfied that we tried. We always get whatever it is written in our destiny but it doesn't mean that we have to stay in our place and say that we are staying because of destiny. NO it is false.

    Always try, work so hard, have a full confidence on your self, dont give up but always remember that you have to accept what is written in your destiny. Don't think that what is written is working against you. In contrast, always think that what you got is a test to test your capabilities and how much you are strong and having a faith on your god:)}

    Exactly !!!

    Thanks all :)

  12. Thank you Jawaria :) Beautifully said :D
