Saturday, July 10, 2010

How Men & Women See Themselves

This picture really does show the difference between how men see themselves physically compared to women! Men will always flex and admire their muscles (even if there aren't any) and women will always assume they are overweight (even if they look stunning).


  1. absolutely trueeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

    well.. i see that as a good thing as long as it's not affecting women health or leads to anorexia or other diseases, women should always go on diet from time to time and do sport regularly (since women don't have much muscles mass their metabolism is low comparing to men and their muscles mass.. the more they do sport the higher their metabolism is).

    i think assuming that they are overweight leading into losing any weight they gained even if it's one kilo ;)

  2. SubhanAllah!

    Some women have an illusion that they are ugly, even if they are beautiful.Sometimes they exaggerate and work so hard to look more beautiful. Their external beauty is the basic thing to them. This kind of women always have a fear of losing their beauty, even some of them feel jealous of other beautiful thin women.Ahhhhhhhh don't ask about womens'jealousy. Some times they destroy the whole world because of this jealousy:S

    What to say about men. Ummmmmm most of men don't pay attention to their internal beauty. They are satisfied with their looks. They always see themselves handsomes with strong muscles. Some men pay attention to their health more than their internal vanished beauty.(I agree with them"health is more important than the internal beauty":).

  3. In the end, we all want to be around people who are beautiful from the inside, what we have on the outside is what God gave to us and we cannot change that. Our personalities on the other hand are not as rigid and we choose how we want to behave and portray ourselves to the outside world.

  4. Believe me Mr.Fran beauty is not grace all the time.Beauty will vanish one day , Good impression will remain .No matter how man and woman see themselves the most important thing is the inner beauty as U mentioned in your reply.

    Accept my passing

  5. what almost everyone said is true, the inner beuaty is what matter, but still no harm done with taking care of the outter onE ;p. The picture says it all; it's really so very TRUE lol.

  6. i agree with u all, and i emphasize on what 7noOn have said.

    no doubt that inner beauty is more important and it's unfaded beauty but outsider look is important too. no one can deny that we r being attracted to beautiful things, the same thing happens towards people.

    i believe God doesn't create ugly things.. God is beauty master, as an example my Mum is always advices me to look around me and learn how to match colors, we all learned how to match colors from things God created (butterflies, flowers and nature)but what makes us different is that some people know what to suit them and the others don't, and some people know how to take care of their appearance unlike others.

    Beauty is a relative thing, not definite, for me, physical beauty is how to enlighten ur soul with praising and praying, how to take care of ur health, how to match colors and know what to suit u, to have that nice smile and innocent expressions, be sophisticated in ur behavior and know how to act the way u r far from affectation and posing:)

    soul beauty is reflecting on our physical beauty.. and the first impression creates from our physical beauty that's why we shouldn't neglect caring of our selves and remember..

    God is beautiful and loves beauty ;)

  7. Brilliant points of views guys:).Well done!

    The main source of our happiness and comfort is our inner beauty.Your inner beauty decides who you are not your external beauty.Your inner beauty refelcts your personality and mentality.But, as Bumble_bee said it doesn't mean that we have to neglect our external beauty and health. It is a good thing when you pay attention to your external beauty without and kind of exaggerating.Sometimes inner and external beauty complement each other:).

  8. Bumble_bee I couldn't agreE moRe.
    "soul beauty is reflecting on our physical beauty". Beautiful! luved it <3

  9. You girls are amazing...I'm speechless!

  10. Girls are always amazing but some people are not convinced:p

  11. 7noOn, glad that u like it :D

    i'm talking from an experience, i have lots of friends and my first impression about them was (she's an ordinary girl) but when we started talking together and sharing stuff.. i realized how much these girls r beautiful, the way they talk, the way they smile, their femininity.. every girl is a unique girl, u can't find her a similar..

    and i was (Oh My god how didn't i realized that before!!)a complete image has changed

    that's because physical beauty is nothing but a soul beauty reflection :)

    every one of u girls is unique always remember that ;)

  12. And don't forget the guys bumble bee....they are unique too!

  13. She said girls 5las. sorRy Mr. Farran i think this is a "no guys' area hahhahahahhahaha

  14. LOOOL 7noOn :D :D (No guys) zone moo? LOL

    Mr.Farran,l'll see about that :P

    girls are so sensitive that any word can bring them down, that's why i sympathize alot with girls and i always try to boost their morals :D

    good people (whether girls or guys) are always unique ;)

  15. I feel like this blog is slowly being taken over by girls :S

  16. LOL i felt that long ago :D

  17. "Yes we can!" hahahahahahhaha

  18. The whole world is being taken over by girls:D

  19. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

  20. Look I think it is a good thing that women are getting their rights and becoming more independent. They are trying to create their own personality and prestige in their society.I do believe that it is a kind of fairness that women are getting their rights like men but I do believe that both genders have their own place, prestige, responsabilities and roles.It is a bad thing when they try to seize each other's rights.Actually they don't have the right to seize something doesnt belong to them. It is a good thing that they are trying to cooperate and help each other in different aspects of life but it will be a bad thing if their main concern was dominance not sharing.

    The world has developed and changed but it shouldn't be forgotten that men and women have their own roles, personality and prestige. As I said beofore"I do believe that men and women complete each other".It is impossible to isolate themselves from each other.I do believe that their relation should be always based on respect, understanding, trust, love and patience but unfortunately most of them are not aware of this fact:)

    How about you?what do you think?

  21. No I agree with you. I think males and females should understand their roles in society and respect them.

    I am in favor of women's rights, and I believe women should be treated equally like men at work, at home and anywhere else :)

  22. Very sensible and respectable Point of view as usual:).

    Look I am not saying that becuase I am a lady walah. I am saying that because I really do believe in fairness and equality. I can't bear that some one is dominating you wrongly and seizing your rights:S.My zodiac is Libra I have to be fair and seek for fairness:)

    Both genders are unique and have their own identity in society. They really complement each other.

  23. Very true, even the Holy Koran states and mentions that men and women are equal.
