Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to turn your dog into a lion....

Very creative! Who can mess with you now?


  1. LOOOOOL but he still a (....) :D

    i wonder why the call lions as kings and their lioness hunt their preys for them :S !!!

  2. It's not what you are, it's how others see you :D

  3. well.. for me.. i don't care about others i care about me, and how i see my self :D

    when u know what u are and act according to that, u are portraying ur own image in the eyes of the others ;)

  4. You can cheat other people by changing your shape, but always remember that your thoughts, nature and actions will always reveal who you are.Don't overestimate your outer shape.It won't reflect your genuine personality!

  5. Exactly, you can disguise yourself but eventually your true self will show!

  6. Blekh :s .....

    plus it doesn't really look like a convincing lion anyway *hmph* , anddd even if people did get fooled .. who in their right mind would walk a lion in the marketplace or sumthing .. u know too strange - unless you're like Jasmine n her tiger or you're from the circus or some exotic country or something nutty like that :P

    (oh n I thought lions and cats belong to the same family .. not lions and dogs ! ... rite :s whatever I don't like cats or dogs *blah*)

  7. Haha, I would want to walk a lion down the street why not?
