Friday, June 18, 2010

Tips on Writing a Great Paragraph

1. Topic sentence --> should be clear.

[Good example]* Life in university is really different than life back at school.

[Bad example] * I went to school, and now in university things are the same and they are different.

2. Supporting sentences --> should be arranged logically (chronologically or order of importance)

[Bad example] * He had breakfast and then he woke up.

[Good example]* He woke up and had breakfast.

3. Ideas --> should be connected using transition words.

[Bad example] * Drivers can do a lot to help. They can be more careful when they are on the road.

[Good example]* Drivers can do a lot to help. For example, they can be more careful when they are on the road.

4. Concluding sentence --> should be simple and restate what you said in the paragraph.

[Good example]* In conclusion, because of the reasons I mentioned, that’s why I believe we can win the match.

[Bad example] * In conclusion, I believe we can win the match and *new idea mentioned here*


  1. wow that is useful.. i forgot these important tips which i kept in mind while writing and doing my TMAs..

    thanks for reminding us about that Mr. farran :)

  2. paragraph is a short text that deals with particular idea or point.It consistes of short sentences that are logically connected to each other. As Mr. Farran stated, the well-organized paragraph should consists of three main or fundemental elements:
    The first element is (introduction).Introduction always containx the thesis statement. Thesis statement introduces your main point or idea and tells the readers what will be proved in the paragrah.The thesis statement should be clear, logical and understanble.

    The second element is ( Body). The body always contains the supporting ideas that support or prove the main idea(thesis statement).The supporting ideas should be logically connected to the thesis statement.

    The third element is (conclusion). Conclusion usually summarizes and restates what ever have been discussed in the paragraph. It includes the summary of the main ideas that have beed discussed in the paragraph. But, not in all the cases the conclusion includes the summary of what have been discussed. For example, it might includes the writer's evaluation.

    Inshallah I am going to use Mr. Farran's and my explanation, when I am going to teach my students after few days Inshallah:)
    I hope these explanation will be useful for all the students.

  3. Thank you so much for your information Miss Laila, you truly are a great teacher :)

  4. thanks Mr. Farran and Miss Laila for ur great explanation
    very helpful
    tnx :)

  5. you are welcome Mr. Farra:). As an educator, it is my duty to distribute my information:)

    you are welcome Queen A:). It my honor to heart that our explanations were helpful you you:)

  6. That's what the blog is for, to share and teach one another :D

  7. It seems that both of you Mr. Farran and Miss. Laila are great teachers. Are you both teaching in one univeristy?

    Well, I am sure that your students are feeling proud to get both of you as their students.

  8. I am sorry I meant to say your students are feeling proud to get both of you as their teachers:)

  9. Miss Leila was actually one of our students in AOU, she graduated and is now teaching somewhere else. She is destined to be a great teacher :)

  10. As Mr. Farran said, I was a student in Arab Open Univeristy anonymous. Now I going to teach in institute. Really anonymous it will be my pleasure to teach with Mr. Farran one day. It is my honor to hear that you are calling me "great teacher". Believe me anonymous I learnt how to be a great teacher from my doctors, and of course "Dr. Mohammad" always will be one of them:)

    I am and always I will be just a student, even if I started to teach in the univeristy one day "inshallah":)

  11. We are born students and we die students. Learning is a continuous process that has no end.

    Miss Leila is a role model for all other students and has a great future ahead of her. The teaching community is grateful to have such a smart, motivated and creative future member :)

  12. Thanks Mr. Farran for your kind words and complement.I really appreciate it. It will be my honor if one day I become a member of the teaching community:)

  13. lucky university that got Miss. Laila as a student and Mr. Farran as a teacher. Wish you both all the best.

  14. Thanks Anonymous for your compliment and your best wishes:). Wish you too all the best.

  15. Thank you anonymous for your kind words :)
