Sunday, June 27, 2010

Crazy Kuwait News

Eyelashes stolen: Police are looking for an unidentified person who reportedly broke into a company selling cosmetic products and escaped with 11,300 artificial eyelashes worth KD 30,000, reports Al-Wasat daily.

Personnel from the Criminal Evidences Department have lifted fingerprints to identify the culprit.

Why would anyone want to steal eyelashes?? What would you possibly want with 11,300 eyelashes??? Some things in life just don't make sense :S


  1. Subhan Allah! some people are completely strange. They think and and behave strangely.They don't leave any reasonable reasons behind their actions. Allah knows what is wrongh with them:)

    Maybe he stole them to establish a company of eyelashes, or he wants to give the eyelashes to his fiancee or wife as present looool. Allah knows!. I hope my reasons will benefit the policemen loool.

  2. there are many reasons behind stealing eyelashes, which one of those is the real reason?? that depends on the thief personality and mentality:

    - he had stealing plan but when he found him self in that situation he went confused, and his plan vanished. so he stole the first thing he saw or the easiest thing to be stolen.

    - cosmetics need a certain environment where it can be stored without spoiling(cool temperature, away from direct sun light etc..). so, he might faced difficulty in getting, stealing or even keeping and storing other cosmetics, on the contrary, eyelashes don't need a special environment to be stored in.

    - eyelashes easy and light to be carried, unbreakable like perfumes,creams and other cosmetics.

    - well known cosmetics companies has brand franchising from the mother company.. so, if he stole a certain brand and tried to sell it, Ministry of Commerce will catch him while eyelashes could made in china, if not it is easy to remove the brand unlike other cosmetics!!

    all in all.. he didn't want to get out empty handed

  3. Interesting arguments, you should work for the criminal investigation department bumble bee :P

    Criminals watch out...bumble bee is coming :D

  4. bumble_bee is smart.. she's so creative specailly in things related to business world and crimes.. :D but...

    bumble_bee is too delicate to work in such places and department :$ :">

  5. So how do we solve this problem?

  6. let the criminal investigation department call me and i'll solve it for them while sitting at home :D

  7. bumble bee where do you work :S ?

  8. You can't have everything go your way...if you want to help solve crime, you have to get down and dirty :D Actually before you work for the criminal department, watch that honey badger video first :P

  9. I quit, i don't want to solve any crime and i don't want to see that cruel movie.. i'm not the suitable person for that job :$ though i have all the capabilities to :D

  10. No comment ... :D

    Madness ! :p

    (Mr. Farran - where do you always land up such Crazy news? trust you to ;D)

  11. bumble bee - we won't believe you have the capabilities until you show us :D

    Jawaria - This may sound weird but there was a period in my life where I collected such stories and compiled them into one large document. So you will find more insane and true news articles in the coming future :)

  12. lol Allah ystir :p - no worries , I enjoy the insanity !

  13. We all do :D Whoever doesn't is insane!

  14. Mr.farran, i already show u 1% of my capabilities in the first comment :$

    and rest will appear in ur next crime news :D
