Monday, June 28, 2010

How do you see yourself?


  1. “The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.” Virginia Woolf ..

    Some people look to themselves by eyes of others.They spend their life to satisfy others , they behave like what others want .

    Some people have strong personality they don't care about others frustrated and negative opinions and they direct their energy upon how to improve themselves ,how to enhance their self-esteem .

  2. love butterflies,, how delightful they r, they love life.. as i do..

    i adore kitties and how cute they r.. some times they become naughty but harmless naughtiness.. just like mee..

    i see my self as (Ladies In a Lady) .. I act the way i should act according to the situation and to the people surrounding me..

    i'm not afraid of showing how bumble_ bee is a child, how bumble_bee is mature, how bumble_bee is kind and tender or how bumble_bee is rough..

    not afraid of showing who i am and how i see my self or how i should act according to my personality, because i always remember Fanny Brice's quote:

    Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? (Fanny Brice)

    as long as i'm happy and content with bumble_bee.. i don't care about others opinion and how they see me,, the most important thing is how i see my self because i'm the one who stuck with bumble_bee for ever..

  3. yes, as bumble bee said :(as long as i'm happy and content with Rain.. i don't care about others opinion and how they see me,, the most important thing is how i see my self because i'm the one who stuck with Rain for ever)..

  4. Yes, very encouraging and sound advice from all three of you.

    No matter what people think of you, how you see yourself is the most important thing!

  5. Nice comments :)

    Exactly .. how you see yourself , and that is what is mirrored off to others - hence how they'll see you!

  6. LoL :D :D

    This particular picture is very popular in our household - due to a funny reason / episode :p

    My elder sister was obsessed with looking at herself in the mirror and sitting in front of it all day - when she was younggg ok! - she would spend hours playing with her hair in front of beloved mr. mirror and making faces , smiling , expressions and talking and stories - you name it :D (don't worry she wasn't and isn't a psycho case ;p we're all just a Mad family) ... anyway so this picture -- my mom's friend emailed it to us , as a warning for my then mirror obsessed dear sister - (the cat is something else in reflection - funny aspect), Baba even printed it , in hope of curing my sister and her image :p
    I guess I didn't make sense ;)

    Lol I wonder what it is about kids and mirror fantasies , we all had them I guess .. I think I did too (but not obsessed like dear sister :D)... like a fantasy world beyond and inside (there was children's story of the sort too) ; maybe it's coz they are 'not shown' the mirror as babies - that's like an old wives tale that you shouldn't show a baby to the mirror or else they have a lot of pain when teething starts :$ (don't look at me! I'm just relating, hmph ;p) ; and so the story goes that little kids Love doing antics in front of the faithful mirror which shows them exactly how they are and how they'd like to be seen -- therefore, we come back to the initial point how you see yourself : a pretty princess , a macho man (I'm talking little kids here!) :D mirrors are fascinating and have diverse offers

    Ok again I don't think I made sense , blabbered on ... (I think there was more to say .. but shh J ! - there's Always more to say pour moi ;)

  7. Interesting story!

    We've never had anyone obsessed like that in the family, but I have to admit that men generally love flexing their muscles in front of a mirror (whether these muscles actually exist is another issue)

  8. The wise is the one who has a self- confidence and who acts according to his/her personality. The wise is the one who doesn't fear to show who he/she is and who neglects what others gossip about him/her. The wise is the one who walks with self-respect and self- confidence. But, no one in this world is perfect. All of us as human beings have our own flaws that should be considered. Sometimes we don't pay attention to our flaws that may affect our life negatively. Other people, especially those who care and respect us truly , may notice something that was overlooked by us and had to be considered by us. Those people can give us the opportunity to reconsider or rebuild our personality in the way that it should be. The wise people who have a full-confidence on themseleves, but at the same time they listen to other peoples' opinions and think about them. IF these opinions have a negative effect, then they should be neglected. Some people exaggerate and misjudge us, even some people feel jealous and they don't wish our happiness. But, if these opinions have a positive effect, then I believe that they should be considered. It will be a great chance to improve ourselves:).

    Very funny story dear Jawaria:). Many people consider the mirror their best friends

    "men generally love flexing their muscles in front of a mirror"
    Yes Mr. Farran I do agree:). Many men love flexing their body in front of a mirror;).It is a known thing in my family:)

  9. Great words from Miss Laila as usual :)
