Monday, June 21, 2010

When intellectuals fight...

George Bernard Shaw (to Winston Churchill):
I'm reserving two tickets for you for my premiere. Come and bring a friend - if you have one.

Impossible to be present for the first performance. Will attend second - if there is one.


  1. some people may see it as a funny quotes, i consider it insult, but, clever insult

  2. It is a clever insult, instead of using profanity, you can use your creativity to insult others :D

  3. insulting others may hurt u in the first place before hurting others, but with rude people.. yes they deserve insulting even if it it's not a clever insult :D

  4. hhhhhhhhhhh it is similar to this :

    He - Can I buy you a drink?
    She - Actually I'd rather have the money.

    He - Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
    She - Okay, get out.

  5. very Smart indirect response:). It shows the importance of using our intelligence and creativity in our interaction with others.

    Yes, I do agree that some people deserve to be insulted. But, with our kind words and behaviour we can win the heart of the rudest human. Our prophet Muhammad " peace be upon him" taught us that we should always be better than others through our kind words and behaviour. He taught us that we can win the heart of the worst people by our high morals and modesty:)

  6. Bumble bee - Yes I agree!

    Rain - Haha yea I've read loads of those..they're actually quite funny!

    Miss Laila - Yes that's right, we can always use our intelligence to outsmart others, especially when they are rude!

  7. Miss Laila, a can't agree more, But humans changed.. if they treated u so bad and u stayed that kind innocent person they won't call u a good one.. they will use u and hurt u more .. unfortunately.. that's how some people r in our days.

    what makes me stay and bear a rude person!!!

    let him/her go away with their heart i don't need people like them in my life.. i might try with them just one time and there's no second chance.

    prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him)is Muslims' role model.. he is a master in ethics, if he wasn't like that no one would enter Islam religion..

    of course we all wish to be like him, but don't forget Allah words in Quraan(And spend of your substance in the cause of God, and don't make your own hands contribute to (your) destruction)

    being around rude people is a self destruction, emotionally and physically.

    this is buble_beeeee's point of view :$ :$

  8. Yes my dearest friend bumble_bee I do agree with your point:). Nowadays many people don't deserve our naive treatment, especially those who try to hurt us physically and emotionally. But I do sympathize with this kind of people.As human beings ,particularly as muslims, it is our duty to help and understand each other. It is our duty to use our high morals and creativity to turn the rude people into humble people. We should give them the chance to learn from us because they really need to learn from us. Inside each harsh human there is a child, who needs a guardian to guide him to the right path. Many harsh non-muslim people converted to Islam, when they found some one taught them the real meanings of Islam. We are humans and we always need each other. But, we are not giving the chances to learn from each other. It really hurts:(.

    But yes bubmle_bee it became semi- impossible nowadays to tolerate each other. You know why! because we lost our trust and hope on each other. People forgot that we are just humans and there is some one who is bigger than us(our Allah), and there is a judgment day after this life. It really hurts my sister:(

  9. Miss Laila.. some people r bad they r bad.. why should i bother my self with them? if they hurt me once why should i give them a second chance!

    there's a saying (A fox is not taken twice in the same snare)

    you r absolutely right.. (we lost our trust) because some people are hypocrites.

    if i don't trust people i don't know easily how come i should trust some one hurt me once!! again.. remember God words (And spend of your substance in the cause of God, and don't make your own hands contribute to (your) destruction) and as u said because (there is a judgment day after this life) i don't want to be questioned about destroying my self with bad people.

    it's true we r humans and we need each other.. but we all need good people in our life not bad ones waiting for them to change. if tried with them without a use, just let them go.. why bother?

  10. Very interesting arguments...some people just don't change no matter how hard you try.

  11. What a response! Some people don't pay attention to what they are saying. Those people who don’t pay attention to their speech will always find themselves in embarrassed situations!

  12. You are right Mr. Farran. Some people don't change no mattar how hard we try. Those people don't change because they are not convinced that they are wrongh, and they don't have any desire and volition to change. When we want to change, first we should be convinced and have the desire ro change. It is so hard to change those people, but not impossible. Subhan Alllah every thing is possible in this world:)

  13. oPS, I meant When we want to be changed , first we should be convinced and have the desire to be changed:)

  14. Yes I agree Miss Laila :) With the grace of God, everything is possible :D
