Saturday, June 26, 2010

~ Quote of the Day ~

"What matters is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.” Mark Twain.


  1. whenever there is a well and desire on doing some thing there's a power, regardless of the size.

    Beating and overcoming obstacles comes from the inside.. training, thinking determining to achieve goals.

    Appearances and looks are deceiving, we can't judge people according to their looks.. not necessary the bigger one will win and the smaller will loose.

    If the smaller has the determination and the needed strategy he will be the stronger and the winner.

    So, it's not about physical size, it's about mental attitude, inner power and determination.

  2. Very well said bumble_bee:)

    People shouldn't be judged accroding to their looks. Looks can deceive us.Excellence and success are derived from our intelligence, creativity,strong volition, understanding,self-confidence and sensible behaviour.

    There is a saying in Arabic says:
    "All that glitter is not gold"
    This shows that not all the time our external beauty reflects our internal beauty:).

  3. it indicates that physical size is less important in contrast with the intelligence and self -awareness .

  4. Mental strength is more powerful than physical strength :)

  5. mmm does that mean our conclusion is wrong? :S

  6. i mean we all explained that quote according to physical size, not according to physical power.. and sizes not necessary mean power :S

  7. That's why I said mental strength is more important than physical strength :D

  8. Yup as you said Mr. Farran .. exactically :)

    (.. fight , dog .. dog , fight .. repeat .. yikes .. going nuts -- bedtime!)

  9. Judging from the comment above, it's waaaaay past your bedtime :D
