Wednesday, June 30, 2010

~Quote of the Day~

"An optimist finds a solution in every problem. A pessimist finds a problem in every solution."


  1. yea.. ask me about pessimists i know lots of pessimist.

    sitting with them is a disaster and self destruction, they make problems of nothing they create problems out of nothing :S

  2. Optimists are positive thinkers, they look at problems as opportunities to learn and get experience from.. That's why they try to find solutions and look forward to solve any difficulties.. nothing is impossible to them and they see every things working to their benefits because of the positive look they have.

    On the other hand, pessimists are negative thinkers, they look at the world in a negative way, they expect bad things coming after good things, they doubt every thing even their happiness, they predict sadness after happiness and bad news after good ones,. Because they always think what if some thing bad happened, they always look at good things as bad things and to solutions as problems, they never happy, never satisfied.

  3. Yes exactly, I really feel sorry for pessimists, they live a sad life.

  4. Optimistic people always have a positive view about life. They believe that every problem has a solution, so that they should not give up. Their life is based on hopes and success. In every step of their life they use their optimistic feeling as a key to open the doors of success and Excellence.

    pessimistic people always find themeselve the victims of their negative feelings.Their negative feeling always lead them to their failure in life.

  5. Yes very true, you can either see the glass half full or half empty. Your attitude determines your degree of happiness in life :D

  6. sweet Miss Laila well said :D

    Mr. Farran said :

    (you can either see the glass half full or half empty)

    Allaaaah i like this metaphoooooooooooor :$

  7. There's more where that came from :)
