Saturday, June 26, 2010

Learn English (funny ad)


  1. looool we are sinking.. what u r thinking about!! :D

    that's because of the different phonetics between languages :D

    i remember in high school we had a (....) teacher. she pronounced there as (zer) and a poor girl in the composition wrote (zer)and she was blamed by the teacher for that mistake and she embarrassed her, though it was the teacher's fault :S

  2. Subhan Allah! that shows how we can get confused, and how misunderstanding may occur because of the use of different accents in one language. Sometimes it becomes so difficult to know which prounciation is correct. This makes us fall in mistakes like what happened with your fellow bumble_bee:)

  3. Pronunciation is very important, sometimes it's a matter of life and death (as in the video) :D

  4. LoooL good one !

    Ah reminds me of this teacher we had in Yr 7 ... she was pure English , from North England , famous for her unusual sirname and striking red lipstick .. and well her accent was quite rich and difficult , she taught English itself (plus History) and well when you have just entered secondary everything is confusing n daunting , and the second day we were given a dictation exercise to do in English class , dictated by our unique teacher ... the whole paragraph was quite tricky to decipher , only a couple of us got full marks ! (e.g. Bus was like Boos etc etc) it's interesting tho .. there was this other teacher who pronounced Tissue as Tissyoo ... it's different England thingis :D

    I loved the various interesting accents and enjoyed it alot in school (ah nostalgia) and imitated as well - kiki shh ;) it's fun!

  5. Bus = Boos


    I would have just collapsed right there on the floor haha!
