Saturday, June 19, 2010

~ Quote of the day ~

"The ones who try to do something & fail are better than those who try to do nothing & succeed."


  1. there's an old saying “Practice makes perfect”

    it means that you cannot replicate something until you know how it works,and you can't become a learning individual until you understand how you learned.

    learning loop consists of practice and past experiences.. when u fail u'll never forget what u've learnt from that failure so, u'll avoid your mistakes to achieve success.

    this brought me to similar saying by Mark Twain (it is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve). deserving is a result of trying, practice and succeeding :)

  2. when I was a child, My dad always used to tell me not to cry or feel bad if I failed or lost some thing. He always used to tell me that till I have a full confidence on my self and till I am working so hard to achieve my goal, I should not give up even if I failed in my first step. He learnt me that if I tried to do something right and I failed to do it, I should not fell down. I should be proud because I got a wonderful experience that learnt me how to struggle and avoid my mistakes:).
    we always succeed when we work so hard and try to get what we wish. But, when we get what we wish without any efforts, it doesn't called success. It is called " coincidence or good luck".

    In this blog I really want to say "thankes" to the one of the most precious person in my life(My dad) for learning me how to learn from my mistakes and how to have a full confidence on my self. Thankes my dear Dad:)

  3. bumble bee - Thanks for the quote from Mark Twain (I love that guy)

    Miss Laila - I hope one day you become equally as inspiring as your dad :)

  4. In order to get success in this life, we have to work hard and learn from our failures.

  5. ur most welcome Mr. Farran :$

  6. Exactly, you cannot live life without any problems, we all have problems, the secret to success and a happy life is learning to deal with your problems and learning from them :)

  7. And when you succeed after any failure you touch yet another peak in life , in fact you not only achieve success you also reverse that failure or any other unrelated failure , simultaneously , it is a double bonus , you triumph and soothe past wounds and revel in present success satisfied ; - never let any failure , big or small , bring you down , just remember to take it as yet another step to take you forward , another base to boost you upward in life - enjoy the climb :)

    “Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” - William James

  8. Beautifully said Jawaria thank you :D

  9. Amazing jawaria, loved ur expressions ;)
