Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Interesting fact of the day...

"An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain."

(I know some people like that :P)


  1. WWWWW
    It is really, strange
    sob han alla

    (I know some people like that :P)

    Thanks Mr.
    this topic is beautiful ..


  2. love ostriches, though they always bury their head under the ground whenever they got scared :D

    medical community exploited the close similarities between ostriches'cornea and the humans in patching humans cornea if needed !!

    Thanks for the Fact Mr. Farran :D

  3. You're always welcome :)

    Animals are fascinating and there's just so much interesting stuff about them :D

  4. LoL .. funny but true !

    (poor ostrich it's often caught in stuff like this - whether it's the 'Ostrich's Brain' or the 'Cowardly Ostrich hiding away from problems, burying it's head into the ground, during storms etc') (but it's compensated with ostriches being the fastest bird)

    (I know some people like that :P)

    LOL - agreed tho , don't we all know such specimens ? ;)
    [I hope I'm not one of those people :D]

  5. Haha no you're not one of those specimens don't worry :D

  6. I like watching ostriches in T.V. I like when they run so quickly and when they bury their head into the ground:). They look so cute and innocent.

    Thanks for the information Mr. Farran:)Subhan Allah!

    "(I know some people like that :P)"
    looool Subhan Allah every thing is possible. Some people are really so narrow-minded:S

  7. Haha yes they are in fact interesting creatures :D
