Sunday, June 20, 2010

I asked for...

I asked for Strength.........
And God gave me difficulties to make me stronger.

I asked for Wisdom.........
And God gave me obstacles to learn from.

I asked for Courage.........
And God gave me danger to overcome.

I asked for Love.........
And God gave me troubled people to help.

I asked for Favors.........
And God gave me opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted ........
But I received everything I needed!


  1. woooooooooooow so nice and creative lines Mr. Farran.Every line enlightens the paths of those who lost their hopes on life:)

    These lines remind me of one of my poems, that was dedicated to those who lost their hope on life. I would like to post my poem here.

    " Let's take a new breath and start a new life
    Let's spark the candles of love and peace and extinguish the candles of hate and envy
    Let's forget our previous miserable incidents and think about our coming marvellous days
    Let's laugh at our previous broken ambitions and dreams and smile to our new dreams and ambitions
    Let's race the time and overcome it by our strong volition and optimistic smile
    Let's gather together and say "we are the best people" to each other"
    by " Laila"

  2. nice lines both of u
    keep it up :)

  3. WoW that is amazing Laila thank you so much for sharing that with us!

    With your permission, I'd like to share this poem and post it on the blog outside.

    Thank you once again :D

  4. Great lines Mr. Farran:).As human being we should accept whatever Allah gave to us.Beyond every incident there is a moral.

    Miss Laila. I really was impressed by your lines. Every line has a deep meaning and feeling. Your lines are very touching and remarkable. Your lines give a new life for those people who lost their belief on life. well done Miss laila. That show thay how great you are as a human being:). With your permission, can I also take these lines?

  5. Thanks Mr. Farran, that is how life look like when we look at things in a positive way :) every thing has a purpose.

  6. Miss laila.. i'm speechless,, i have nothing to say except masha2allah :D ;)

    can i join them and ask for a permission to copy these lines and save them? l love such romantic poems :$

  7. Yes I agree, in life everything happens for a good reason :)

  8. You are welcome Mr. Farran:). Yes sure you can post them wherever you want. It will be my honor:)

    Thanks anonymous for your kind words. Thanks for understanding my words, really it means alot to me:). Yes you can take them

    Thanks my best friend bumble_beeee for your comment. Yes you can cope them.

  9. Thank you so much :)

    Sharing is caring :D

  10. very very nice both Mr farran and Miss laila

  11. Thanks Miss. Laila so much:D. Behind every line there is a deep meaning. It is an honour to take your lines:D

  12. You are welcome anonymous:). It is my honor to give you my lines:).

  13. Oh I LOVE this thing !!!!!!!!!!!

    I've always just loved it .. fell in love with these words when I first heard them some years ago ... SO TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!

    Khallas I can't say anything more !!!

    Beautiful - Thank You so much Mr. Farran for posting it :) :)

    and Thanks Miss Laila for sharing your words - Wonderful stuff really :) Loveee them too!

    (khallas now if I start I won't be able to stop - you'll have a book here :p better shutup J)


    as I say --> Exactically & Tenku :)

  14. You're welcome Jawaria :)

    Please save your wisdom into a worthy pile and then share it all in one go with the world :) And please let us know when your book comes out :D
