Friday, April 2, 2010

Only great minds can read this!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


  1. i could read that :D

  2. It is not about whether you can read the text or not. It is about how it is important to make our minds think, in order to reach the truth and the correct conclusion.
    This text made my mind think. That showed how smart I can be through thinking properly.

  3. I agree, it will make you think and challenge the way you read. Thank you for your comment :)

  4. i don't think (thinking) is the suitable word.. thinking means spending time.. and what happened is , for me, i read it the way i read any normal text, i didn't spend time to realize that my mind is thinking,,, it's happened so fast in analytical way.. u r familiar with the word (that) but when u saw (taht) ur mind started analyzing the previous data and information u already absorbed before (spelling) :), so in my opinion i see that analyzing is the right word :).

    so i'm analytical thinker and i have the right to be happy :P

  5. Well, your mind was able to read the text as any formal text because the words were familiar to your mind. your mind didn't face any problem because the words are already stored in your mind, no mattar how the letters are constructed. Analyzing depends on thinking. You can't isolate these words from each other. When you analyze, your mind think, no mattar how much time your mind will consume in order to reach the conclusion. Not all the time we spend a long time, in order to reach the conclusion.Some people think and reach the conclusion in one minute only, so it depends on our mentality. analyzing and thinking are the suitable words for reading this think, not only analyzing:)your mind always think and analyze in one time:). If some one, whose mind is not familiar with the previous words, reads the text, he will think first about the words then he will analyze:)

  6. yes Mr. farran, interesting arguments and I enjoy arguing :D

  7. Dear Anonymous, I'm impressed by your explanations and u were almost convincing me :)

    I would totally agree with u one year ago, but now and after what I've read about system thinking and how the brain analyzes things, I can't agree especially I was talking about my self and not giving any general conclusions or facts.

    Thinking and analyzing are totally different, I know it might be confusing to u and that's why I tried to simplify things in my previous comment.

    it seems they r similar, or one is the cause of the other just the way the word (want) and (need) OR the word (want) and (desire) seems similar to many people, But each one has it's own meaning and a suitable context where it could be used to express the right meaning, and that's the case in the word (thinking) and (analyzing)

    -Thinking means: "conceiving thoughts and ideas by reasoning, to form an opinion, to judge, or to concentrate one's thoughts on any given subject."

    (Well.. I didn't felt that conceive and I didn't felt that I'm dealing with problem about given subject to conceive any thing)

    -Analysis means: "investigating the component parts of a whole in order to in make up the whole".

    (yes.. my mind investigated the components which r letters, to make up a whole word and that happened in a blink!!)

    I agree with u when u said that we can't isolate thinking from analyzing, just in one condition.. When we r talking about critical thinking where analyzing is one of critical thinking's tools.

    We adopt critical thinking when we have problem and we want to solve it.. But I faced no problem here to adopt critical thinking and relate analysis to thinking (emphasizing that I'm talking about my self here)

    (your mind always think and analyze in one time)
    Mmm,, No not at the same time (not always it depends).. not only because of the comparison I made above but also past experience involves in many situations and recalling such experiences doesn't mean THINKING :)

    I'll give u an example, if some one tried to grip your hand and put it close to the fire.. u would pull your hand away even before u sense the harmful heat.. Because your brain analyzed the environment u were in (the fire, it's color, ur hand.etc..) recalling past experience whether ur experience or some one's else experience, like the past experience I have about knowing the letters, doesn't mean thinking.

    Your mind recalled that experience (fire means burn), your Cerebrum ordered your hand to move, that order traveled through your Spinal cord into your hand.. do u call this (thinking)? It's just picture about past experiences.

    It's a wide subject, and we can't give general conclusion or general facts :), it depends on the situations.. because of that I emphasized on the Pronoun (me, I ) cuz I was talking about my self and the situation I'm dealing with, and in my case i'd prefer the world (analysis):).

  8. My mind didn't face any problem in reading the text. I read the text very quickly as a normal text. I agree when Anonymous said"your mind was able to read the text as any formal text because the words were familiar to your mind. your mind didn't face any problem because the words are already stored in your mind, no mattar how the letters are constructed".:)

  9. HeLLoooOOOooooOo Miss Lailaaa, Finally we saw your name :D, nice to have u here :D :D

  10. i read it :) wooooooow :D

  11. i read too :D

    Now i'm confused after reading anonymous and bumble bee argument :S anonymous i agreed with you but after reading bumble bee contribution i am confused tho,i am stunned of the amount of information you have bumble bee

  12. Heloo bumble bee:) Thanks for your comment.It is my duty to participate is such a creative blog:)

  13. This is getting too confusing for me...

  14. Well, I totally agree that thinking and analyzing are different terminologies. Both of them have their own meanings and uses. I am not confused with their meanings because I already know that they do differ:). But, they always complement each other in situations, where our minds want to reach to a convinced conclusion or judgment. As I said before" your mind was able to read the text as any normal text because the words were familiar to your mind. your mind didn't face any problem because your mind was dealing with familiar situation. But, what about those who can't read the text because the words are not familiar to their minds!!!. Let me clarify this point. I brought some one whose English is weak. He wasn't able to read the whole text because some words weren't familiar to his mind. You know what he did?. First, he started to think about the words that are not familiar to him and how they are constructed. After his thinking he tried to analyze the words. This shows that thinking and analyzing can complement each other in this situation, not only in the critical thinking:). I proved this statement after making an experiment:).

    critical thinking is a type of thinking. It is used whenever we want to determine the meaning and significance of a specific phenomenon or what is observed. It can also be used when we want to convince the readers or hearers to accept the final conclusion as true. Not in all the situations we adopt it to solve problems:).

    We don't think in some of the physical situations( like the fire situation that you have given as an example to clarify your point), because there is no space for thinking. Thinking in this situations have a negative consequences. But, here we are dealing with mental situations, where there is a space for thinking and analyzing. In the case of this text we can think, if we want to analyze a specific phenomenon that is realted to the text:).

    when I said" Your mind always think and analyze in one time", I meant that our minds always think and analyze in the time of interpretation and judgment. But, of course not in all the situations of interpretation of judgment.

    I totally agree when you said"It's a wide subject, and we can't give general conclusion or general facts :),

  15. dear anonymous u said:

    (I am not confused with their meanings because I already know that they do differ)

    In my point of view, because they differ u cant say that (your mind always think and analyze in one time), (analyzing and thinking are the suitable words) or (Analyzing depends on thinking) because it's not a cause and effect thing (For Me) and I explained the differences. :)

    also u mentioned that (As I said before your mind was able to read the text as any normal text because the words were familiar to your mind. your mind didn't face any problem because your mind was dealing with familiar situation)

    Thank you you made it easier now to illustrate my point :D , Familiar situation means having experience, and experience means fast reaction depending on what I've learned and gained from the past experience and I illustrated that in the (fire burning example). All that doesn't mean Thinking it's just a fast reaction according to what has been gained and experienced.

    more, you added (Let me clarify this point. I brought some one whose English is weak. He wasn't able to read the whole text because some words weren't familiar to his mind. You know what he did?. First, he started to think about the words that are not familiar to him and how they are constructed. After his thinking he tried to analyze the words. This shows that thinking and analyzing can complement each other in this situation, not only in the critical thinking)

    Excellent :D, that example supports my point of view, in this situation it depends on past knowledge and since I didn't face difficulty in reading the text I said (analyzing is the suitable word). And I mentioned also this ( No not at the same time u always think and analyze (not always it depends) because u said it always does (Analyzing depends on thinking).. past experience involves in many situations and recalling such experiences doesn't mean THINKING) so you generalized by saying ALWAYS, that's why I objected..

  16. also, u identified critical thinking as (a type of thinking. It is used whenever we want to determine the meaning and significance of a specific phenomenon or what is observed).

    Great!! but to be fair enough u could complete that definition by saying :
    Critical thinking: involves determining the meaning and significance of what is observed or expressed, concerning a given inference or argument, determining whether there is adequate justification to accept the conclusion as true. (Fisher & Scriven) :)

    This part (concerning a given inference or argument, determining whether there is adequate justification to accept the conclusion as true) can be described as analysis. Analyzing leads us to the Acceptance or rejection.
    According to the references I read and studied (system thinking is one of the AOU materials) critical thinking is an approached used to solve a mess or difficulties and it includes many tools one of them is analyzing and since I didn't face any difficulties I couldn't accept (Thinking) as a word to describe what I've been through so that I can't say analyzing and thinking completed each other.. No Problem.. No critical thinking.. No thinking along with analyzing. (already explained in the previous contribution)

    you added (Not in all the situations we adopt it to solve problems)

    Of course, I already said it depends on the situation.. we have different approaches like adopting soft system approach, hard system approach, and each one has it's own steps and tools

    u also explained that (We don't think in some of the physical situations( like the fire situation that you have given as an example to clarify your point), because there is no space for thinking. Thinking in this situations have a negative consequences. But, here we are dealing with mental situations, where there is a space for thinking and analyzing)

    Again,, thank u because that support my point of view, reading the text so fast is a result of past knowledge and since I didn't face difficulty in reading the text I said (analyzing) is the suitable word).

    There was no need for thinking because it's Familiar situation so, that means having experience, just like the past experience in getting burned and fire means harm, and experience means fast reaction depending on what I've learned and gained from that past experience and I illustrated that in the (fire burning example). All that doesn't mean Thinking to say as u said (your mind always think and analyze in one time) !!..
    So, in both situation the reaction happened in a blink because of the past experience and knowledge not because of thinking. In other words.. because of the recalling..

  17. you clarified that (when I said Your mind always think and analyze in one time, I meant that our
    minds always think and analyze in the time of interpretation and judgment. But, of course not in all the situations of interpretation of judgment)

    Well… how am I supposed to know what u meant friend? U gave that general conclusion and giving general conclusions is not a right thing you had to specify. :)

    having different opinions and perspectives doesn't mean some one is right and the other is wrong.. we have different abilities and I respect your way of thinking that's why I was interested in having this discussion with you. :D

    finally u wrote (I totally agree when you said "It's a wide subject, and we can't give general conclusion or general facts)

    Because of that every now and then I used (in my point of a view, for me, I ) so, I was talking about my self and what I've went through, I wasn't giving any facts. :)

    SoRRy for writing to much.. that's how an argument looks like doesn't it!! :$ :$

  18. OPS.. sorry for the misprint, it's (too much) , not (to much).. that missing O makes difference :$

  19. Mr. Farran, maybe it was confusing and i hope my last contributions make sense :)

  20. This is turning into a heated debate...

  21. bumble_bee and Anonymous,

    Both of you expressed your views and knowledge in a logical and convinced way. I really appreciate and respect your views. Good effort, keept it up:)

    Always remember, in general discussions there is no final conclusions. Every one has the full right to express his/her views:)

  22. Miss Laila, keep it up till when? :P

    i felt so exhausting when i wrote that report above, it reminded me with the TMAs :D

    thank you my dearest sister for your logical comment (L) (F)

  23. LoL reading them was just exhausting!!

  24. Mr. Farran, that's sounds like a bored person, board and not interested in my long long contribution :(

  25. No no I didn't mean it in that way, of course I respect and appreciate your arguments, but I just got lost somewhere in between :S

    It's my fault for not keeping up, sorry :D

  26. Calm down bumble_beeee just take a breath! You are a girl right:D

    Well, you have given a great elaborated explanation but you are not assimilating my points bumble-beeee. You explained many things that are not related to my main point.

    I tried to explain my point as much as I can but you didn't understand my point.
    It is ok, it happens:D

  27. oh Mr.Farran please don't be sorry, I'll prepare more detailed explanation just for u :D :D :P

  28. Anonymous,i wasn't tense or nervous to calm down, so don't worry about it :)

    i understood ur point that's why i wrote and wrote and wrote.... :D

    i depended in my explanations on things u have mentioned and wrote.

    any way.. after all that, i hate every thing related to analyzing and thinking :P

  29. So have we come to an agreement or is this wound still open?

  30. LOL Mr. Farran there's no wound we were just discussing :D

    bumble_bee prepared a long contribution, longer than the previous one because she found out that Mr. farran wasn't keeping up :P :D

    so, may i post it? it's about 5 pages :$ :P

  31. ThanK you Mr. farran... stay wait for the B!G event :P
