Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Your Contributions

Thousands of readers have visited this blog and hundreds of comments have been posted so far. There are some comments that were written by some of you readers here that were just too beautiful to ignore. That's why I dedicate this post to you. The following poems, advice and words of wisdom were taken from different posts from this blog and posted here for everyone to see. I thank you all for each and every contribution you have made, but these are the ones that stood out the most...

Contributions from Jawaria

“Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” - William James

"A dream isn't a fantasy, it is a vision, sometimes faraway, sometimes seemingly unreachable, but an ambition to follow and believe in and put in all the effort to make it true! Then whatever is best for us happens, as is destined to be :) A fantastic vision --- have full faith in Allah, the Almighty gives us the strength to realize these dreams, and prayers help make them a part of our destiny"

Contributions from Miss Laila

"Let's take a new breath and start a new life,
Let's spark the candles of love and peace and extinguish the candles of hate and envy,
Let's forget our previous miserable incidents and think about our coming marvelous days,
Let's laugh at our previous broken ambitions and dreams and smile at our new dreams and ambitions,
Let's race the time and overcome it by our strong volition and optimistic smile,
Let's gather together and say 'we are the best people' to each other."

"Desires and dreams always enlighten our paths and lead us to success. "

"Dogs are wise. They crawl away into a quiet corner and lick their wounds and do not rejoin the world until they are whole once more."

Contributions from bumble bee

"Life is the hardest teacher, it gives the test first and the lesson after."

"It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them."

"We don't know what we've got until we loose it."

Contributions from mshay5adwani

"Happiness is our gate towards self-satisfaction, have you experienced the taste of charity? What a wonderful feeling it is when you plant a smile in a barren soul."

"Planting happiness around you will harvest inner peace within your soul. It will wipe away all the grudge within your soul."

Contributions from 7no0n

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln


  1. Thanks Mr. Farran for this valuable and precious post:). It was our pleasure and honor to post our thoughts, beliefs and views and to share them with you in this blog.Feeling happy that you liked them:).We just left our beautiful memories, precious experiences and our own imprint with these comments:)

  2. Thank you once again Laila for your beautiful comments :) Without them, this blog would have no flavor :)

  3. Thank You so very much Mr Farran for this special post :) so sweet of you to include our contributions - (my humble contributions - to speak for myself!) - it is a real pleasure and honour to participate in this wonderful blog, and great fun :) love it all and In'sha'Allah further interesting & valuable stuff , Thanks again :) for liking and finding them beautiful , you're the best :) :) Allah bless you ..

  4. Thank you Jawaria, your presence could illuminate the darkest of rooms :)

  5. we should thank you for creating this blog Mr. Mohammad, i enjoyed every single moment of reading your posts and friends' contributions.. i enjoyed the time of typing every single word and contributing..

    Thank you so much Mr.Farran.. i appreciate your effort, u r one of the great people we are lucky that we have met and learnt from :)
