Monday, August 2, 2010

Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah

On August 2nd 1990, the Iraqi army led by Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait. The brutal invasion lasted for 7 agonizing months and left over a thousand people in Kuwait dead.

I usually don't like to post about sad or tragic events, but I think our youth (especially the ones who didn't live through the horror) must know what happened. We also should not forget those who fought for Kuwait and those who bravely stood in the face of aggression. We must salute and respect those who died fighting for this country. It is because of their heroic actions that Kuwait is free today.

Therefore I'd like to end this post on a positive note by briefly mentioning just one of the many brave individuals who died fighting for this country. The man I am talking about is Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. This courageous young man was the Emir's younger brother. He refused to leave his country and died bravely fighting and defending Dasman Palace.

To all the martyrs of Kuwait, may your actions forever be remembered.


  1. Oh MR. Farran thanks for this wonderful great topic. It was so kind of you thanks so so much:)

    Allah yer7ama and yer7am all the martyrs who fought fot their countries' freedom.Inshallah in paradise ya rab.

    Those who fought and died for their countries can't be forgotten.Their names and their actions are always illuminating the history of thier countries.Their heroic actions can't be compensated at any cost.

    What can I see about this cruel and bloody invasion.It left the biggest pain in each kuwaiti and human heart.Up to know I didn't get the answer of how their conscious allowed them to kill and torture other innocent people just for their greed and money!!!!!!

    You know Mr. Farran My dad was a prisoner of this invasion. He was imprisoned in the Iraqi jail for 1 month:(:(:(:(. Al7medoallah he was one of those who came back after the liberation of Kuwait. Till this day I thank Allah million times that he brought My precious dad to us.I can't imagine my life without dad:(:((:(.Allah ye3en those who lost their family in this invasion and every invasion:(

  2. Allah yer7ama ... and all martyrs

    Thank You - lovely topic , touching and brings back sad memories of the horrific time of the invasion , although I was just a baby , my family lived through much of it , the most dangerous times infact , and we had direct personal experiences of horror and tragedy (that have left their marks on my eldest sister's memory mostly) , I nearly lost my dear father at gunpoint , though later that very episode made my Baba a hero in Kuwait , my mother was in danger as well , and my family nearly lost me altogether (they say I am living my third life) , got a few stories to tell you will share them sometime with you Mr. Farran , InshaAllah .

    Allah bless all the martyrs and all those who went through difficult times for the sake of dear Kuwait . Allah protect this beloved land .

    JazakumAllah Khair

  3. Wow, I'm shocked! I never knew you guys had such close and personal memories of the invasion. It must have been really tough on you both back then especially as young children. Hamdulila you guys and your families are all safe and sound.

  4. Oui .. c'est vrai .. but -

    Alhamdulillah :)

  5. I don't remember the invasion because I was just 2 years old at the time of invasion.I read and heard alot of this cruel invasion esecially my family had a personal experience of the ivasion.It was really one of the worst invasions.

    "Hamdulila you guys and your families are all safe and sound".

    Yes alhamdulila for the safe of my family but
    how about those who lost their families and who are losing their families in such invasions?????.Since the creation of this world humans are fighting and killing each other. when they will stop and say enough???.

  6. If humans are around, war is inevitable!
