Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Vacation Time!

I'm traveling in 2 days to Lebanon to spend some time with my family, after a challenging but productive academic year in uni, I really need a vacation! So this will be the last post until I come back in mid September. I'd just like to thank everyone who visited this blog, I'd especially like to thank the ones who started following my blog from day 1 and continue to do so. A huge thank you goes to all the people who commented on what I wrote, without your contributions and support, this blog wouldn't be what it is today.

I hope you all have a wonderful summer vacation, or what's left of it! Happy Ramadan or Ramadan Kareem and take care of yourselves :)

See you in the future :D

Your Contributions

Thousands of readers have visited this blog and hundreds of comments have been posted so far. There are some comments that were written by some of you readers here that were just too beautiful to ignore. That's why I dedicate this post to you. The following poems, advice and words of wisdom were taken from different posts from this blog and posted here for everyone to see. I thank you all for each and every contribution you have made, but these are the ones that stood out the most...

Contributions from Jawaria

“Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” - William James

"A dream isn't a fantasy, it is a vision, sometimes faraway, sometimes seemingly unreachable, but an ambition to follow and believe in and put in all the effort to make it true! Then whatever is best for us happens, as is destined to be :) A fantastic vision --- have full faith in Allah, the Almighty gives us the strength to realize these dreams, and prayers help make them a part of our destiny"

Contributions from Miss Laila

"Let's take a new breath and start a new life,
Let's spark the candles of love and peace and extinguish the candles of hate and envy,
Let's forget our previous miserable incidents and think about our coming marvelous days,
Let's laugh at our previous broken ambitions and dreams and smile at our new dreams and ambitions,
Let's race the time and overcome it by our strong volition and optimistic smile,
Let's gather together and say 'we are the best people' to each other."

"Desires and dreams always enlighten our paths and lead us to success. "

"Dogs are wise. They crawl away into a quiet corner and lick their wounds and do not rejoin the world until they are whole once more."

Contributions from bumble bee

"Life is the hardest teacher, it gives the test first and the lesson after."

"It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them."

"We don't know what we've got until we loose it."

Contributions from mshay5adwani

"Happiness is our gate towards self-satisfaction, have you experienced the taste of charity? What a wonderful feeling it is when you plant a smile in a barren soul."

"Planting happiness around you will harvest inner peace within your soul. It will wipe away all the grudge within your soul."

Contributions from 7no0n

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Interesting Fact of the Week

Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet? Their taste sensors are located in the feet, and by standing on their food, they can taste it! Amazing!

Monday, August 9, 2010

World Beard and Moustache Championships

Every year, men from different parts of the world grow, shape and style their their facial hair (mustaches, beards and goatees) to compete against one another in a bizarre competition. So how do you win? Just make it look strange!

Click here to see more pictures.

Today's Advice

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Junk Food

According to the World Health Organization, over 74% of Kuwait's population is overweight. That in turn is contributing to a rise in heart diseases, diabetes and other health related illnesses. Click here to read the article.

Guys please be careful what you eat and please reduce the amount of food you eat from outside, especially fast food. Remember it's called junk food for a reason!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Huge Hole on 6th Ring Road

A section of the 6th Ring Road collapsed and created a hole in the middle of the road yesterday. Click here for the full article.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Second Batch of Female Police Officers Graduates

Kuwaiti female police officers are becoming more visible in society these days. A few years back, a women in uniform would have been a strange sight. But today, a lot of these officers can be found walking around in public places especially in malls making sure everything is in order. It's nice to see women get equal treatment and take on a job perceived by many to be more suitable for men. Even though some people I talked to disagree having women in such positions, I think this is a huge step forward for women and Kuwait's society as a whole. This just goes to prove that if men can do it, so can women :)

Smart Design

Two for the price of one!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tales Of Mere Existence

I came across this wonderful video that just put a smile on my face :)

After watching that video, I couldn't help but admire the author's humor and creativity. His book seems interesting too!

"The author has found the perfect way to make light of one's problems."

I think the sentence above best summarizes the author's style.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Stealing from some to help others

Police have arrested a 17-year-old Syrian for breaking into cars at an unidentified location, reports Al-Shahid daily. The daily quoting security sources said police caught the teenager in the act while attempting to rob from a parked car. This came following complaints by residents in the area. During interrogation the thief is said to have admitted to breaking into 13 cars and stolen the valuables using duplicate keys.
Surprisingly the thief turned out to be a ‘Good Samaritan’ because he claimed he sold the stolen goods and gave money to the poor.

Bizarre story! So this guy steals money from some people....to give it to other people?!?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

EL111 Exam!

Dear students,

First of all, mabrooooooooook :) You guys are finally done!

Second of all, the exam was not too hard. I mean the writing and vocabulary were too easy! The grammar needed a bit of thinking and I believe the reading was the most difficult.

Anyways, I wish you all the best and I hope you all get the grade you deserve (Allah kareem).

Now put that book down and go have some fun!!!

Or just relax, like this little guy.....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah

On August 2nd 1990, the Iraqi army led by Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait. The brutal invasion lasted for 7 agonizing months and left over a thousand people in Kuwait dead.

I usually don't like to post about sad or tragic events, but I think our youth (especially the ones who didn't live through the horror) must know what happened. We also should not forget those who fought for Kuwait and those who bravely stood in the face of aggression. We must salute and respect those who died fighting for this country. It is because of their heroic actions that Kuwait is free today.

Therefore I'd like to end this post on a positive note by briefly mentioning just one of the many brave individuals who died fighting for this country. The man I am talking about is Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. This courageous young man was the Emir's younger brother. He refused to leave his country and died bravely fighting and defending Dasman Palace.

To all the martyrs of Kuwait, may your actions forever be remembered.

Sunday, August 1, 2010



When Intellectuals attack...

Henry Clay: I would rather be right than be president.
Congressman Reed: He doesn't have to worry. He'll never be either.