Friday, January 13, 2012

Goooooood luck :)

I just want to wish you all the best of luck tomorrow, I hope you all do really well inshalla.

I promise if you studied hard at home and did your best on the exam, you would do really well.

Good luck and don't forget to smile :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Very inspiring!

Changing the world...1 bottle at a time!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

EL111 Final Sample Exam!

I know many of you have been waiting for this and it's finally here! I hope this sample exam helps to prepare you for the real exam. Remember that when you do this exam, time yourself and see how long it takes you to do every section. You will have to manage your time properly in the real exam.

Finally, I want to wish you all the best of luck and I really hope you all do well!

Click here for the sample exam.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Class notes

Because you have all been such amazing students, if you click on the link below, you will find all the notes I used in class which will hopefully help you for the final.

For EL111 click here

For EL121 click here

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let's start reading!!

Reading is THE most effective way to improve your language. If you are serious about improving your language, then reading is the way to go! Some people think that reading is boring, if you believe so, you're probably reading the wrong material!

I remember when I was a child, I really didn't like reading because my parents kept giving me books I wasn't interested in. When I got older and started going to bookshops by myself, I chose books about things I liked and fell in love with reading!

We all have likes and dislikes, generally speaking, men like to read about crime and action and women are more into romance and mystery. If you read for just 10 minutes every day, I can promise you that your language will improve, you will also gain more knowledge and you'll be a better student overall. Reading is also extremely fun!!

A wise man once said, "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."

Here in Kuwait, we have two really great second hand bookshops where you can find great books for really good prices. Check out the links below.

Q8Books [Link]

Better Books [Link]

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I want to wish all my loyal readers a happy new year, I hope 2012 brings more love, peace and success into all our lives :)

At the beginning of every year, it's nice to put goals for yourself, things you want to do or achieve to be a more productive or better person. So what will your goals be for 2012?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

EL111 Vocab 4 Final Exam

Click on the link below to download all the vocabulary words (Units 1 - 12) you need for the final exam.

It's important to go over the words and make sure you know what most of them mean, but don't waste all your time memorizing them as the reading, writing and grammar are much more important!

Click here to get the list.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Student Blogs

It's always nice to see students create their own websites and blogs. Below you will find two interesting blogs from two unique students. Check them out!

Abeer's blog: Click me

Yasmeen's blog: Click me

Samar's blog: Click me

Merna's blog: Click me

If you have a blog or website you'd like to share with the others please let me know.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Courses for next semester

So what courses are you going to take for next semester? If you're not sure, I'll help you.

For English majors click here.

For Business majors click here.

For Computer majors click here.

For Education majors click here.

When you visit the links above, click on the Read More button to see your study plan and what courses you need to take.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Great Online Dictionary

If you're looking for a great online dictionary that gives you both definitions and sentences as examples, click here.

It's very important not only to know the definition of a word, but to also know how to use it in a sentence. A lot of students know what words mean, but unfortunately don't know how to use them in sentences. The above link will hopefully help you with this problem.

Today's advice...

Life's short, don't forget to smile :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Minimum needed to pass

There are 3 conditions you need to meet to pass most courses in AOU.

1. You need to get at least 20/50 in the coursework (Midterm + TMA).

2. You need to get at least 20/50 in the final exam.

3. You need to get at least 50/100 total to pass the course.

The above is only the minimum, I expect and believe all of you can do a lot better of course inshalla!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Rainbow Sheikh

Sheikh Hamad owns Futaisi Island and covers an area of 50 square kilometres. He recently had "HAMAD" carved into the island. The letters are dug so deep they form waterways, and the inscription can be read from space.

He's called the "Rainbow Sheikh" because of his famous Mercedes 500 SEL collection. He has seven of them painted like the colors of the rainbow, one car for each day of the week.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Final exams...

Final exams start on the 14th January and end on the 26th January.

This leaves use with exactly 6 weeks from today to finish everything.