Wednesday, December 28, 2011

~Quote of the day~


  1. Hi Mr. :)
    How are you? :)
    Thank you very much for this quote very much and of course all people should realize that :)
    Also how long of life it's too short so we have to do things good and great to make people remember us after die :)
    And also life is as school we learn every day new things :)
    Thank you again :)
    Your student :)
    White Oleander :)

  2. Woow, i loved this quote Mr.

    I think we feel about the beauty of life when we live it moment by moment,
    And think about the good things that make us happy.

    Ya3ne ed7ak lal 7ayet so, el 7ayet btd7aklak :)

  3. wow
    its gereet quote
    louph for life so louph for u

  4. waaaaw 7abita ya MR;):)
    you always give us an amazing quote

  5. White - Exactly! Life is actually the best teacher! Life is short as you said and it's nice to be remembered for the good things you did.

    Samar - Exactly! Live and enjoy every moment in the present because yesterday has gone and tomorrow hasn't come yet!

    Fatma - Yes it is a great quote, thank you for your comment Fatma :)

    Razan - Anything for my amazing students :)

  6. MMMM , Why I felt that there's someone stole my quote??

    Even that really I loved this quote :)

    Thank you Mr.
