Monday, December 19, 2011

Great Online Dictionary

If you're looking for a great online dictionary that gives you both definitions and sentences as examples, click here.

It's very important not only to know the definition of a word, but to also know how to use it in a sentence. A lot of students know what words mean, but unfortunately don't know how to use them in sentences. The above link will hopefully help you with this problem.


  1. Mr. Farran, What do you advise students who want to improve their English speaking skills ?

  2. Oh and thanks for posting the dictionary!

  3. Thank you Mr farran for this dictionary . it will help us. and about the importance of reading. what can i do if i dont have a time for reading . iam working and studing in the same time . allah ysi3dni :)

  4. Mariam we're all busy in life and I'm sure you can find 15 minutes everyday to pick up a book and read. If you keep telling yourself you don't have time, you'll never read.

    Do what I do Mariam, everyday before I go to bed, I pick up a book and read for 15 minutes, it becomes a habit and with time, you will see that your language has improved inshalla.

  5. Thank you Mr. Mohamed

    This is one of alot of ways to help students to improve thier English language.

    It's very useful and interesting !!

  6. Hi Mr. :)
    How are you ?:)
    Great thank for you to always want us to be the BEST :)
    Thank you very much for your advice also :)
    Your student :)
    White Oleander :)

  7. Thanks a lot for the advice, I try to read as much as I can Inshallah one day I'll perfect my English.
    Do you have a goodreads account ? I understand if you don't want to share :)

  8. Really?! Here have a look at it.

  9. Great website, I loved it! How did you hear about it?

    I made a profile and rated a few books. My profile is "farranaou"

    Thanks again!

  10. You're welcome! A friend of mine told me about it. Okay, I sent you a friend request. btw it's me Shayma AlMutairi

  11. I can't thank you enough've probably changed my life (to the better of course).

  12. Well, it's nothing compared to what you did and still do for us :)

  13. Thank you, that was very kind of you :) It's a two way street, you positively influence me and I hopefully positively influence you :)

  14. It is amazing Dictionary.

    thank u
