Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let's start reading!!

Reading is THE most effective way to improve your language. If you are serious about improving your language, then reading is the way to go! Some people think that reading is boring, if you believe so, you're probably reading the wrong material!

I remember when I was a child, I really didn't like reading because my parents kept giving me books I wasn't interested in. When I got older and started going to bookshops by myself, I chose books about things I liked and fell in love with reading!

We all have likes and dislikes, generally speaking, men like to read about crime and action and women are more into romance and mystery. If you read for just 10 minutes every day, I can promise you that your language will improve, you will also gain more knowledge and you'll be a better student overall. Reading is also extremely fun!!

A wise man once said, "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."

Here in Kuwait, we have two really great second hand bookshops where you can find great books for really good prices. Check out the links below.

Q8Books [Link]

Better Books [Link]


  1. Hi Mr. :)
    how are you ?:)
    thank you so much to always want us to be the
    best in every thing :)i also like reading like you :)
    but we should start with small books "like short stories right ?":)
    Thank you again
    your student :)
    White Oleander :)

  2. hi Mr.Mohammad Farran.
    thank you for all advises for all students. i'm not student in your class but i'm met your class every wednesday. that's really great work Through your style for explain any thing and develop my practice for writing.
    your student Sarah. (inshallah next semester for EL121).
    من لا يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله
    Best Wishes :)

  3. thank you sooo much for your help me to start taking a book and read it . iam reading now a story which it is in english and translated into arabic. it is really helping me to improving my language.
    and thank you for your time today..w sorry 3azabtak ma3ii al yom :)

  4. When I read What You wrote Ya Mr. I feel I want to start reading From now wallah..
    I love reading just like you Mr. But I feel I don't Have Time For That. :(

    I feel that, communicating with You Through blogs improved My English language. Because I often Speak English.

    ya3ne wallah You Made Me Love Reading, Writing and Listening to Anything related To English.
    w hayda li ana bade yeh :)

    Thank You So Much :)

    Check My blog Mr. Mohamad :)

  5. White - Yes it's always a great idea to start with small or simple books and then you can move on to bigger or more advanced books. Thank you for your comment and question :)

    Sarah - Thank you for your comment Sarah, I really appreciate it and I really enjoyed having you in my class :)

    Mariam - Ma fi 3azab Mariam bil 3aks I was happy to see you and help you :) My door will always be open :)

    Samar - If you truly enjoy or love something, you will find time for it (msh 7ek?) Even if you spend 10 minutes reading everyday, you language will improve later on inshala, so don't give up! Thank you Samar for always being a loyal and amazing student :)

  6. Yes sure hek w noss kamen. :)
    I will not give up, I promise :)
    Walaw Mr. I am amazing because of you ;)

  7. First of all , really Mr. I believe on every word you write , sara7a it's a great topic !!

    secondly , reading is a very beautiful habit do you know why?? cuz it leads you to another things like learning new words , having more information & also it hels you in writing cuz our eyes sometimes save the shape of the words.

    I like reading too much , specially stories but not romance as you said MMMM I think there is something wrong on me right?? hhhhh

    Thank you again Mr. Mohamed

  8. 5ajaltni 3anjed :) ma3 enno ana ra2yi 3'er hek :p
    Thank you soooo much :)

  9. hey sir :) u r the best teacher i had met in this course
    love u as a bro
    nd thanks 4 every thing


  10. Thank you Saad, I was lucky to have a hard working student such as yourself in my class :)
