Friday, August 6, 2010

Second Batch of Female Police Officers Graduates

Kuwaiti female police officers are becoming more visible in society these days. A few years back, a women in uniform would have been a strange sight. But today, a lot of these officers can be found walking around in public places especially in malls making sure everything is in order. It's nice to see women get equal treatment and take on a job perceived by many to be more suitable for men. Even though some people I talked to disagree having women in such positions, I think this is a huge step forward for women and Kuwait's society as a whole. This just goes to prove that if men can do it, so can women :)


  1. nice thing.. but i still believe that women should be tender.. sweet.. gentle soft not walking around carrying guns..

    how do u think will it feel if a criminal or maniac abused her someway!! she will feel broken unlike men because she is a ((female))..

  2. I couldn't agree more bumble_bee. This is not something women can do;physically and/or mentally. But, you have to admit there are women who'd want that so bad -.- I mean this is the 2nd batch with this number of women willing to do a man's job.

  3. Actually I am one of those who think that it is an inappropriate job for women. According to our society and culture it is an inappropriate thing for women to work in such field.Also,I think that this job is suitable to men physically and mentally.Just in one case I could agree that it will be a suitable job (in places that are specified to women only and require women officers)

    But I respect them and their opinion if they think that it is a suitable job for them:).It is a good thing that some of them are trying to raise the name of their country but.........

  4. I oppose this idea that woman should serve in the police force for many reasons . The first reason is cuz of

    her tender nature .The second reason these harsh jobs for males only. I read in the news paper that female

    officers get beat from the citizens and they need male officers to protect them .

    I agree only in one case which is in many private places that man officers can't access .

    I can't imagine my self Lieutenant Mshay5

    What about U Mr.Farran ? do U agree or disagree

  5. bumble - If a criminal abused a man he will feel broken too, men also have feelings, the only difference is that men get over it faster than women.

    7no0n - Why is this a man's job?

    Laila - I actually disagree. Why is it inappropriate? What makes it inappropriate?

    mshay5 - Again I disagree with you and the rest of the girls. Her tender nature? What about our tender nature? In Kuwait unfortunately officers get beaten up whether they are male or female so that is not a reason. And then you talk about equality. If you want TRUE equality then both males and females should take on this harsh job. Why should men only suffer?

    Honestly I don't know why you girls disagree with the whole idea. I really believe it's for the benefit of the whole country. Society forces us to believe that

    man = tough (war, blood, fighting etc)
    women = delicate (home, cooking, children)

    But being an officer is just like any other job, if women get the appropriate training then they are qualified to be in the police force.

    Think of it this way. In malls as we all know, boys like to chase and annoy girls. When these girls go to complain to someone, who would it be more appropriate to complain to? Male officers or female officers? Who is more likely to sympathize with the victim? Male officers or female officers? We've even heard of a minority of male officers chase girls themselves, so having female officers I believe balances the power on the gender scale.

  6. Mr. Farran, it's a man's job same way as we can't have female Judges; the same reason why God created men and women. It's not that I'm against it or anything, I'm just saying Women can't handle this kind of jobs the way men do.

    Delicate doesn't always mean cooking, home, children. Women can be doctors, nurses, mechanics, pilots, etc, I don't think any of them is considered delicate.

    As for having them in the malls and how it's better to ask them than asking male officers. I had a conversation, the other day, with a good friend of mine and he told me that female officers, sometimes, can't handle the situation so they had to call for backup from "male officers". 'Voila!.' That's why it's a man's job! :D

  7. Mr Farran I appreciate your beautiful inspirational positve view that you have given about this issue:). I respect your view and every positive word you wrote about this issue:)

    According to my point of view I think that it is not about whether we are with or against this issue nor it is about equality between men and women. It is all about the INTEREST that we have towards specific job. It is about whether you think that this job suits your nature and ability and whether it is appropriate to your personality and menality.Some ladies feel that this job doesn't suits their nature AS I FEEL. They don't see themselves in this field. They don't see themselves running, dealing with thieves, fighting physically with some one... ect AS I DO. But some ladies see themselves in this field as these ladies who joined the police force recenlty.So it is all about the different views we have towards specific field or job. It is about whether we have an interest in this job and feel that this field suits our nature, menality, personality, ability and thought.

    Mr. Farran I do respect these ladies and their decision Wallah. I respect their thought if they think that this job suits them. If they think that this job is appropriate to their nature then I don't have the right to underestimate their views. You know I have a friend who wanted to join the police force. Wallah when she expressed her thought, I accepted her decision with a satisfied respectable smile even I didn't express my thought. I do believe that there should be a mutual respectable understanding between those who have different views. All of us have owr own personality, nature, thoughts , views and mentality, There should be a mutual understanding and respect between these contradictive views:)

  8. 7no0n - That's true, they did have to ask for backup in the first couple of days because society wasn't ready for them and it was strange seeing female police officers and many young men didn't take them seriously.

    Laila - I know what you mean Miss Laila, that was my point. My point (if you read my post again) was gender equality. I was happy to see women step up to the challenge and take on a job previously only done by men.

  9. Yes Mr. Farran I understood your point initially when you posted your comment above the picture, so that I didn't ask you about your view;).You looked at this issue in a positive and sensible way. I appreciate it:)
